Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, March 28, 1992                   TAG: 9203280192
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Sophomore left-hander Jason Anderson of Glenvar pitched a no-hitter and the Highlanders (2-0 overall, 1-0 district) defeated Parry McCluer 4-0 in a Pioneer District baseball game at Glenvar.

Anderson had 12 strikeouts.

Junior right-hander Keith Martin took the loss for the Fighting Blues (0-1, 0-1). He gave up seven hits and struck out 10.

Glenvar's hitting was led by Joey Hutton, who had a single and a double in two at-bats and scored twice. Matt Stanley was 2-for-2 with an RBI.

In other action:

\ SOFTBALL: At Patrick Henry, Michelle King scattered four hits, struck out seven and had a two-run triple as the Patriots (2-2) defeated E.C. Glass 6-4.

At Salem, Michelle Harrison and Kelly Robinson drove in two runs apiece as the Spartans (3-1) beat William Fleming 8-7.

\ BOYS' SOCCER: At North Cross, Martin Szumansky scored two goals to lead Cave Spring (3-0) past North Cross 2-1. The Raiders (2-1) outshot the Knights 16-6, but Steve Collins kept Cave Spring's victory hopes alive with 10 saves. Stewart Baucom scored for North Cross.

\ LACROSSE: Don Harless and Shawn Gwyn had two goals each to lead the Vinton Lacrosse Club to a 5-1 victory over Virginia Episcopal. Kirk Lancaster had 15 saves for Vinton (2-0).

 by CNB