Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 31, 1993                   TAG: 9303310067
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The Fab Five is going to reach the final four.

You're saying they already have, but today we're talking baseball, where the Fab Five is Atlanta's pitching rotation. The Braves will make the playoffs with John Smoltz, Tom Glavine, Steve Avery, Greg Maddux and Pete Smith for starters. And, if manager Bobby Cox needs to make a decision, he can call across town to Bobby Cremins.

Although the 1993 season may look much like '92 in October - with Atlanta and Toronto in the World Series - there should be many reasons to pay attention to the national pastime this season.

The game still has no commissioner. A year from now, it may have a commissioner but no games. When the owners talk about the possibility of a lockout, they are not referring to the current status of Cincinnati owner Marge Schott.

More than a few fans are paying $20 to pull a new blue Marlin on their heads, but the owners are more interested in selling a salary cap. More than a few fans also realize the major leagues have gone farther south than Florida, too.

That is not to say this season will suffer from diminished intrigue, however. George Steinbrenner is back, and Wade Boggs is his third baseman in pinstripes. Nolan Ryan is finishing, and Bo Jackson - it's shocking to consider he'll be pulled for a pinch runner at times - is starting over.

Monday is Opening Day, so let's hit a few fungoes:

With the majors serious about cutting the increasing length of games, will umpires begin to call a strike zone bigger than a pine-tar rag?

Could the Richmond Braves beat the Colorado Rockies?

How much Fernandomania can be squeezed into already-packed Camden Yards?

After signing Doug Drabek and Greg Swindell, will Houston have an astronomical rise in the National League West?

Can Pittsburgh expect manager Jim Leyland to quit smoking when he has to keep adding former Salem Buccaneers to his lineup card?

Other than Robin Yount, Pat Listach and bratwurst, are there any other reasons to go to Milwaukee County Stadium?

Considering the dumping of high-priced talent in San Diego, how long will it be before The Chicken is processed?

After winning 92 games but not catching Atlanta in the NL West, will the Reds bark for that wild-card team to be added to the playoffs this season?

Bobby Bonilla, Howard Johnson, John Franco, Dwight Gooden, Eddie Murray, Bret Saberhagen, Joe Orsulak, Tony Fernandez, Sid Fernandez . . . Does this sound like an NL East champ, or are the Mets still one Fernandez short?

With George back, shouldn't the Yankees, one way or another, produce more Bronx cheer this year?

Dave Stewart, Mike Moore, Walt Weiss, Harold Baines are gone, but could Oakland still manage to win the American League West with Tony LaRussa's computer?

Holy Cow! In the Windy City, don't the White Sox look like a contender? Will the Cubs outfield catch more than WGN airtime?

Will the gloves in Los Angeles again bleed more than Dodger Blue?

In a mediocre division, is the Cardinals' young starting pitching mature enough to put St. Louis north of Montreal in the standings?

Will Montreal's kids, like Moises Alou, find the promised land in the NL East?

Detroit has a great Fielder, but couldn't the Tigers use more hitters and pitchers?

Texas has power, but the arms remind owner George W. Bush of some of his dad's reduction treaties with the Russians.

As Twins, Dave Winfield and Kirby Puckett may be as entertaining as Schwarzenegger and DeVito, but will Minnesota's pitching be just as up and down?

Who's the next commissioner? Peter Gammons? The Phillie Phanatic? Homer the Brave? Harry Caray? Bob Uecker?


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