Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 31, 1993                   TAG: 9303310237
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Jerold Smith set a school career record for home runs with his 31st and led Ferrum to a 14-1 baseball victory over Oneonta (N.Y.) State on Tuesday at the Panthers' field.

Smith was 3-for-3 with a double and homer, four runs and five runs batted in. The senior broke Heath Burcher's career mark for home runs.

Ferrum (11-3), ranked third in Division III, got six-strikeout pitching over seven innings from Chris Allen.

In other spring college sports:

Duane Van Arsdale hit a home run and drove in three runs to lead Washington and Lee (3-3 overall, 3-2 ODAC) over Eastern Mennonite 13-8 in an Old Dominion Athletic Conference baseball game in Lexington.

Jim Pates shot a 1-over-par 72 for medalist honors and led Guilford's golfers to the team title in the Washington and Lee/Old Dominion Athletic Conference Invitational at Lexington Golf and Country Club. Guilford's four-man score was 307, four shots better than Randolph-Macon. W&L, Roanoke and Lynchburg finished in a three-way tie for third at 322. Glenn Prillaman of Roanoke finished second, two shots behind Pates, in the individual standings.

R.J. Weaver shot a two-day total of 153 for medalist honors and led Ferrum's golfers to the team title in the Bluefield College Invitational at the Tazewell County Country Club. Ferrum had a two-day total of 618. Bluefield State was second at 629, followed by Clinch Valley (665), Concord (675), Bluefield College (680) and King's College of Bristol, Tenn. (693). Weaver was named to the all-tournament team, along with teammates Matt Jordan, Stuart Smith and J.J. Derman.

At Danville, Lisa Pendleton was 7-for-7 with six runs batted in and six runs as Ferrum defeated Averett 16-0 and 17-5 in a softball doubleheader. Pendleton went 3-for-3, scored two runs and batted in two runs for the Panthers (6-7) in the first game, and was 4-for-4 with four runs and four RBI in the second.

 by CNB