Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 31, 1993                   TAG: 9303310256
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Baseball and softball fields are the latest victim of the bad weather in Roanoke in recent months.

The fields are soaked and in poor condition, but city officials said they can't do anything about them until they dry out.

All of the city's 29 ball fields are in bad condition because of the snow and rain since November, when grounds crews typically start preparing ball fields.

Soccer and rugby fields are also soaked.

City officials have asked for the patience of the 4,000 city-league players until the fields dry out.

"As soon as the grounds dry out, crews will be hard at work to bring them up to the city's regular standards," said Ruth Wilkinson, city athletic supervisor.

Wilkinson said Friday that recreation officials are just as frustrated with the weather as the players.

The Roanoke area has received 13.9 inches of rainfall since Jan. 1, up from the normal 8.4 inches for the period.

"These have been some of the most challenging conditions we've had to deal when it comes to working on ball fields," said Ed Culp, grounds superintendent.

"After a rain, we need several days for the fields to dry before we can bring equipment onto them, and over the last five months we simply haven't had very many of those opportunities," he said.

The city's ball fields are used by 120 adult softball teams,100 youth baseball and tee-ball teams and 20 girls Dixie softball teams.

Wilkinson urged players not to use the fields when they are wet.

"We're asking all teams to use good judgment in even going onto the fields that are soft and wet, as that can make the fields even more difficult to repair," Wilkinson said.

 by CNB