Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, January 21, 1993                   TAG: 9301210423
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


ELEVEN ROANOKE-AREA SCHOOLS are participating in Hills Department Stores' Supply-a-School program.

The schools are collecting Hills receipts to redeem for school equipment through the program, which runs through April 30.

Participating schools are: Back Creek, Bent Mountain, Cloverdale, Fallon Park, Garden City, Morningside, Oak Grove, Penn Forest and Troutville, elementary schools, Preston Park Primary School and Cave Spring Junior High School.

SERVICE ACADEMY NOMINATIONS have been announced by Rep. Jim Olin. Students nominated from the Sixth Congressional District are:

Kristi Carter, daughter of Kenneth and Frances Carter, a senior at William Byrd High School, Air Force Academy; John Critzer, son of Scott and Susan Critzer, a senior at Lord Botetourt High School, Air Force Academy; Sam Donnelly, son of Robert and Emily Donnelly, a senior at Roanoke Valley Christian Schools, West Point, Air Force Academy, Naval Academy; Todd Gleeson, son of William and Donna Gleeson, a senior at Salem High School, Naval Academy; Jason E. Higgs, son of Thomas and June Higgs, a senior at Salem High School, West Point, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy; Shawn McMahon, son of Kevin and Patricia McMahon, a senior at Salem High School, Naval Academy; and Jacob Mayes, son of Bill and Billie Reid, a senior at Northside High School, Air Force Academy.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB