Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, January 30, 1993                   TAG: 9301300226
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


The Blacksburg High School boys' basketball team does everything it needs to do to stay in a game.

Then, just like that, a big play cripples their opponents and propels them to a win.

Friday night the Indians held a 15-14 lead over Carroll County at the end of the first quarter.

But Todd Purdue and Craig Turman drilled a pair of back-to-back 3-point baskets, nine seconds apart, and Blacksburg took a 21-14 lead early in the second quarter and held on for a 64-56 New River District victory.

"I can hit the three all the time in practice, but in a game they are usually a little bit off," said Turman, who led all scorers with 20 points and had two treys. "I guess I am starting to get in a groove."

After the consecutive 3s, the Cavaliers panicked and started forcing shots and turning the ball over.

"We don't respond well to pressure," Carroll County coach Pat Sharp said. "We never recovered after they hit those two three's."

Ben Araman, who came into the game shooting 52.7 percent, scored all of his 13 points in the first quarter to help the Indians keep pace with the Cavaliers.

Blacksburg (5-9 overall, 3-0 in the NRD) stretched its lead to 12 in the second quarter and led 35-24 at the break.

"They came out fired up in the second half," Turman said. "They are a team that never quits and gives 100 percent the whole game."

Carroll County (5-10, 1-1) outscored Blacksburg by one in the third period but still trailed 46-36.

Jason Kilbourne, who scored 10 points, helped the Cavaliers make a last-gasp run. With 1:20 remaining he drained a 3-pointer that cut Blacksburg's lead to 56-49.

But Blacksburg hit eight of 12 from the free-throw line in the closing minutes, including four from Jay Safford, who scored 15 points. Purdue was a fourth Indian in double figures with 11 points.

"We picked the ball off when we had to and we got the buckets when we needed them, especially toward the end," Blacksburg coach Bob Trear said. "This was as good a win as any other we've had."

Still, Trear wasn't completely satisfied with his team's play.

"I thought we could have been better on defense," he said. "We are blocking the ball out, but we've got to be able to stop them from coming inside. Especially, later in the season."

Except for the first quarter, when the Cavaliers scored all but two points from the inside, the Indians played respectable defense.

"At times we go really hard at it on defense and once we get a couple of turnovers we slack up," Turman said. "We can't relax, but I thought we did a pretty good job on defense tonight." \

see microfilm for box score

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB