THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT
                 Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 23, 1994                    TAG: 9406220118 
SECTION: SUFFOLK SUN                     PAGE: 18    EDITION: FINAL  
DATELINE: 940623                                 LENGTH: 


{LEAD} The crimes listed below were reported to the Suffolk Police Department. Because they are initial reports, they are allegations only, and may or may not have resulted in criminal charges.


Assault on a Police Officer: 5500 block Town Point Road, June 9, while being served an assault warrant, a suspect resisted arrest and assaulted a police officer.

Possession of Marijuana: 3800 block Bridge Road, June 10, police found a substance believed to be marijuana during a search.

Possession of Marijuana: Lee Farm Lane and Bridge Road, June 11, police found a substance believed to be marijuana during a search.

Petty Larceny: 3200 block Bridge Road, June 12, someone stole a bicycle.

Petty Larceny: 4000 block Pughsville Road, June 13, someone removed a city decal from a vehicle.

Business Breaking and Entering: 8000 block Eclipse Drive, June 13, someone climbed a fence and pried open an office window. A large round clock and two speakers were stolen from the pool area.

Grand Larceny: 5600 block Plummer Blvd., June 15, someone removed an air conditioner from a living room window.

Residential Breaking and Entering: 1500 block Woodspath Lane, June 15, someone entered a home through a sliding door.

Residential Breaking and Entering: 4600 block Hardy Drive, June 15, someone pried off the screen of a window, went through the house and ate butter and crackers.


Residential Breaking and Entering: 100 block Brown Lane, June 9, someone forced open a kitchen window and removed a .25-caliber automatic handgun valued at $100, a .38-caliber revolver valued at $250 and a .32-caliber revolver valued at $100.

Vandalism: 5300 block Old Myrtle Road, June 10, a man reported that someone shot through the roof of his home.

Vandalism: 3300 block Nansemond Parkway, June 10, a woman said a suspect scratched her vehicle with a key after an argument about a parking spot.

Throwing Missile at Moving Vehicle: Godwin Boulevard, June 12, someone threw a bottle at a 1987 Mercury, striking the hood and causing $200 damage.

Throwing Missiles at Occupied Vehicle: 3300 block Nansemond Parkway, June 12, a woman reported that someone threw an object as she drove past Nansemond River High School, causing damage to her hood and windshield.

Vandalism: QVC Drive, June 13, someone broke a car window.

Hit and Run Property Damage: Portsmouth Boulevard, June 13, someone struck the gate at the entrance to the scales on the east-bound side of the road.


Fraud: 800 block Kilby Ave., June 9, a man reported that someone came by and gave him a price on porch railings. The suspect left to get the materials with $250 cash the complainant gave him and never returned.

Grand Larceny: 800 block Garfield Ave., June 10, a man reported that a suspect removed several items from his home while he was at work.

Petty Larceny: 1200 block North Main St., June 10, a suspect concealed a diaper bag, a sports bra, three pairs of ladies underwear, three pairs of baby socks, a ladies shirt and five pairs of men's boxer shorts.

Vandalism: 800 block West Constance Road, June 10, a man reported that someone removed trash from a dumpster and littered city property.

Malicious Wounding: 900 block Battery Ave., June 10, a man was stabbed in the neck.

Felony Escape: Saratoga and West Washington streets, June 10, a suspect jumped out of a police vehicle while being transported to headquarters.

Lost or Stolen: 2300 block Godwin Blvd., June 10, a man reported that his Virginia dealer license tag is missing.

Forgery: Holland Road, June 10, someone took a check in the amount of $107, forged a name and cashed it.

Lost or Stolen Wallet: Pitchkettle Road and Second Avenue, June 10, a man said that his wallet was lost or stolen.

Petty Larceny: 200 block St. James Ave., June 10, someone stole a bicycle.

Possession of Marijuana by Inmate: 2400 block Godwin Blvd., June 10, a suspect checking into Western Tidewater Regional Jail for weekend service was concealing two marijuana cigarettes.

Grand Larceny: 300 block Smith St., June 10, someone pried open a side door and removed a Coleman portable electric generator valued at $569 and a five-gallon plastic gas tank.

Petty Larceny: 2300 block Godwin Blvd., June 11, someone removed $50 from a gray box in a garage.

Petty Larceny: 1200 block North Main St., June 11, a juvenile suspect removed a pair of Premiere shoes valued at $12.97.

Petty Larceny: 1200 block North Main St., June 11, a juvenile suspect took a pair of children's shoes and two packs of English darts.

Attempted Arson: 900 block Brook Ave., June 12, a woman said a bucket of kerosene was poured outside her house.

Unlawful Concealment: 700 block North Main St., June 12, a suspect concealed a can of beer in his jacket.

Injury Person: 600 block Brook Ave., June 12, a woman said a suspect struck her, causing her to hit a wall. She was holding a baby in her arms, and it also struck the wall.

Grand Larceny: Smith Street and Causey Avenue, June 12, someone took a bicycle.

Petty Larceny: 400 block South Saratoga St., June 13, someone took a piece of scrap brass.

Grand Larceny: 2300 block Godwin Blvd., June 14, someone took radios from two vehicles.

Grand Larceny: 2500 block Pruden Blvd., June 15, someone took a boat propeller, a Craig CD player, a fishing rod and reel, speakers and a cart.

Petty Larceny: 300 block Jackson St., June 15, someone took a Nintendo game.

Petty Larceny: 800 block Gittings St., June 15, someone took a bicycle.


Vandalism: 100 block South Main St., June 9, someone cracked a car windshield and rear window and dented a door.

Residential Breaking and Entering: 300 block North Fourth St., June 9, someone took a Sharp video-cassette recorder.

Residential Breaking and Entering: 200 block North Sixth St., June 10, someone entered a house through a rear window and took a dining room set valued at $1,000, two dressers with mirrors and a telephone table and night stand.

Sexual Assault: Cedar Street, June 10, a woman reported that she was sexually assaulted at knife-point.

Petty Larceny: 400 block Bank St., June 9, someone took a bicycle.

Throwing Missile at Occupied Vehicle: South Sixth Street and Truman Road, June 10, a woman reported that a suspect opened the rear emergency door of a bus and threw an egg.

Armed Robbery: 400 block East Pinner St., June 10, a man reported that he was robbed by two suspects, one armed with a small handgun, in a business parking lot.

Forgery/Uttering: York Street and Kilby Avenue, June 11, after being issued a summons for a curfew violation, a juvenile suspect signed a false name.

Vandalism: 7000 block Corinth Chapel Road, June 11, someone knocked a mailbox to the ground.

Possession of Cocaine: South Sixth Street and Custis Road, June 11, a suspect was arrested for possession of marijuana and resisting arrest.

Residential Breaking and Entering: 300 block Fulcher St., June 11, a man reported that someone entered his home and took an air conditioner, a watch valued at $80 and a pair of hair clippers valued at $55.

Possession of a Stolen Firearm: 1000 block Nansemond Parkway, June 11, police found a suspect in possession of a stolen firearm.

Petty Larceny: 100 block North Division St., June 11, a woman reported that she found a suspect inside her vehicle removing the radio.

Hit and Run: 1100 block Blythewood Lane, June 12, someone struck a parked vehicle.

Vandalism: 100 block South Main St., June 12, someone broke a church window.

Grand Larceny: 200 block North Lloyd St., June 12, someone took a JVC AM/FM cassette stereo valued at $300 from a vehicle.

Petty Larceny: 600 block East Washington St., June 12, a suspect took a carton of cigarettes valued at $14.39 and a six-pack of beer valued at $5.19.

Petty Larceny: 600 block East Washington St., June 12, a suspect took two cartons of cigarettes valued at $28.78.

Arson: 100 block Oak St., June 13, a man said a can was on fire in his yard and exploded as he approached it.

Petty Larceny: 400 block Woodruff St., June 13, someone took the year sticker off a license plate and a billfold from the glove box of a vehicle.

Strong-Arm Robbery: 300 block Heritage Acres, June 14, someone took a pizza from a delivery person.

Vandalism: 200 block South Eighth St., June 14, someone poured green paint on the roof, windshield and hood of a car.

Petty Larceny: 1200 block White Marsh Road, June 15, someone took a Sears AM/FM cassette radio valued at $69 from a vehicle.

Petty Larceny: 400 block Hunter St., June 14, someone took a window air conditioner.

Possession of Marijuana: South Sixth Street, June 15, a suspect dropped a small plastic bag containing a substance believed to be marijuana.

Church Breaking and Entering: 200 block Hunter St., June 15, someone entered a church through an open front window and took two window air conditioners.

Vandalism: 1400 block Pinto Court, June 15, a suspect threw a rock through a door, causing $100 damage.

Petty Larceny: 600 block East Washington St., June 15, someone pumped $11.89 worth of gas without paying.


Tampering with Auto: 200 block Kenyon Road, June 10, a man reported that someone tampered with his 1987 Nissan, damaging the door handle and lock.

Petty Larceny: 300 block Northbrooke Ave., June 11, someone took a basketball rim and net valued at $50.

Shooting Into Occupied Dwelling: 8700 block South Quay Road, June 11, someone shot through the front wall of a home.

Vandalism: 200 block Kenyon Road, June 12, someone vandalized a mailbox.

Grand Larceny: 4400 block Holland Road, June 12, someone took a window air conditioner valued at $200.

Stolen Tag: 800 block West Washington St., June 12, someone took a license tag.

Hit and Run Property Damage: 400 block Glen Haven, June 12, a suspect ran off the roadway and skidded into a yard.

Grand Larceny Auto: 1800 block Holland Road, June 14, someone stole a 1987 Honda Civic.


Petty Larceny: 800 block Carolina Road, June 10, someone pumped $10.30 worth of gas without paying.

Petty Larceny: 1900 block Manning Road, June 11, an inspection sticker, city decal and 10 checks were taken from a vehicle.

Residential Breaking and Entering: 3100 block Whaleyville Blvd., June 11, someone took $400 from a jewelry box.

Petty Larceny: 800 block Carolina Road, June 12, someone pumped $14.63 worth of gas without paying.

Attempted Grand Larceny: 2000 block Holland Road, June 15, someone attempted to push a vehicle out of a parking lot. A radio valued at $100 was taken.

The crimes listed were reported to the Suffolk Police Department. Because they are initial reports, they are allegations only, and may or may not have resulted in criminal charges.

by CNB