The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, July 14, 1994                TAG: 9407130032
SECTION: FLAVOR                   PAGE: F3   EDITION: FINAL 
SOURCE: Ruth Fantasia 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   51 lines


JULY IS National Ice Cream Month and it seems everyone's trying to get the scoop.

Both the June issue of Consumer Reports and the July/August issue of Cook's Illustrated, rate vanilla ice creams. While there are some differences in brand preferences, the magazines determined naturally flavored ice creams are superior to artificially flavored versions.

Cook's Illustrated's panel of five adults and five children ranked 11 brands. Breyers was the top choice followed by Ben & Jerry's, Haagen-Dazs and Edy's Grand. Consumer Reports' group of ``trained panelists'' tested 20 brands. Haagen Dazs was tops with Breyers in a close second. KEEP ICE CREAM FRESH

A friend of mine once said, ``You can't be in a bad mood while eating ice cream.''

I can. But only if the ice cream isn't good. Here are a few tips from the International Ice Cream Association for keeping ice cream at its best.

Make the ice cream aisle the last stop in the supermarket.

Buy cartons of ice cream that are thoroughly frozen and feel hard.

Request a freezer bag or additional brown paper bags to insulate ice cream for the ride home.

Don't allow ice cream to repeatedly soften and freeze.

Store ice cream between minus 5 and 0 degrees.

Store ice cream in the main part of the freezer instead of in the door, where temperatures fluctuate.

Don't leave other foods uncovered in the freezer. The odors may penetrate the ice cream and affect the flavor. NEW GENERATION

Haagen Dazs, that premium-priced brand, will be sold at Woodstock '94. Looks as if the hippies of the '60s have grown up into the yuppies of the '90s. ILLUSTRATION: Chart


Here's how various brands available in Hampton Roads fared in

national magazine taste tests.

For copy of chart, see microfilm

by CNB