The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, November 12, 1995              TAG: 9511100206
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   88 lines


Bowling Inc. soon will be operating the sport for men, women and children.

The boards of directors of the American Bowling Congress, the Women's International Bowling Congress and the Bowling Proprietors Association of America have adopted an operating model for bowling. The Young American Bowling Alliance board also has offered its support.

ABC, WIBC and YABA will continue as the governing bodies for the millions of sanctioned league bowlers across the nation. But they will be combined in a branch called Single Delivery System, which will include the staffs of all four participating organizations. Also to be set up is a Marketing branch, which will be coordinated by Indianapolis attorney Jack Swarbrick.

``Bowling is a $4.7 billion business and we can't afford to go on without all of us joined together,'' said BPAA president Kurt Brose.

The first joint meeting of Bowling Inc. was held recently.

Bowler of the Week honors go to Raymond Askew, who made threatening gestures at rolling a pair of 500 series in back-to-back duckpin leagues the same night, a feat never accomplished locally.

Askew slammed a 495 set in the Elimination Doubles League at Victory Lanes and followed with 481 in the Industrial League.

Despite the league record in the doubles loop, Askew was unhappy with a one-fill on a mark that deprived him of a 500 series. But it would not have been a first for him. The 135-average bowler has rolled 14 sets in his long lanes career over the 500 barrier.

Askew registered a league record 208 game in his second series, tossing a five-header in an eight-mark game. He added games of 137 and 136. His Betty's Barber Shop team also shattered the league team record series with a four-bowler 1,549.

Tenpin topics: Steve Palabro notched a 300 game in the Monday Nite Trio League at Pinboy's of Lynnhaven. . . . The No. 5 pin refused to fall on his last pitch as Mel Johnson fired a 299 game in the Sugar 'n Spice League at Pinboy's of Norfolk. Johnson, who raised his average to 198, sandwiched the big single between games of 180 and 176 for a 655 series. . . . Robert Huryn also was one strike away from a 300, rolling 297 in the Military Doubles League at Pinboy's of Military. He had a 754 series, adding games of 243 and 214. . . . Jeff Pohly chalked up a 155 triplicate in the Pinboy's Classic League at Pinboy's of Chesapeake. . . . Also joining the Triplicate Club was Cheryl Loyko with a trio of 119 games in the Coffeetime League at Pinboy's of Norfolk. . . . Teenager Wes Davis zipped 100 pins over average with a 279 game in the Saturday Youth League at Indian River. In the same league Rhiannon Allan had games of 224, 242 and 192 for a 658 series. . . . Leslie Livesay's powerful 670 series in the Tuesday Commercial/Divisional League at Pinboy's of Norfolk included a 254 single. . . . Carol McGrath joined the Century Club with a 246 game, 111 pins over her average in the Monday Morning Military Wives League at Little Creek. . . . Teammates Rodney Waterfield and Dave Pribble both shot 742 series in the Military Doubles League at Pinboy's Military. . . . Shirley Woods blasted a 245 single in her 614 series in the Almost Friday League at Pinboy's of Lynnhaven. . . . The ninth annual Tidewater Virginia Bowling Council Hall of Fame dinner/dance is scheduled Saturday at the Holiday Inn-Chesapeake. The newest inductees are Gary Faulkner of the Norfolk Bowling Association (outstanding performance), Vi Campbell of the Portsmouth Women's Bowling Association (meritorious service) and ``Star of the Future'' Kristi Richards, a former youth leaguer from Virginia Beach. . . tournament runs through Nov. 19. The U.S. is represented by qualifiers from the national finals held in Richmond in September.

Duckpin data: Death claimed two more of the area's longtime bowlers, Miriam Rakowski and Violet Melton. Miriam was a regular in the Monday Morning League and Violet, a twice-a-week bowler for many years, was a Wednesday Morning League member. . . . Audrey Holt is taking bows for a 158 game in her 386 series in the Thursday Fun League at Bowlarama. . . . Eddie Williams was the first to win a turkey in the annual Turkey Shoot at Victory Lanes. . . . Georgia Dingle zipped over the 400 barrier with a 413 set in the Wednesday Brunch League. . . . Bonnie Smith notched a 362 set in the Sub-District League. . . . Victory Youth League bowler Tommy Ricks had a nine-mark 170 game in a 424 series. He averages only 109. In the same league Brandon Long, who averages 115, smacked a 406 set and Lee Hoggard, who averages 108, rifled a 164 game in a 393 set. . . . First to register for the Portsmouth Match Game Championship were Troy Tippin and Ben Hayth. The tourney starts Dec. 10 and the field is limited to 64. A $300 prize awaits the top finisher . . . . Robin Long had a women's record 430 set in the Elimination Doubles League. She had a 152 single in her first 400 series ever. . . . Connie Insley's 167 was a single game mark in the Wednesday Morning League. . . . Brenda Gregory popped a 165 game in the Suffolk Tuesday Nite Ladies League. . . . Jimmy Boswell's 467 in the Tidewater Pro League at Bowlarama included a 177 single. by CNB