

Coming up on News 7--
This police video captures the dramatic rescue of a suicidal woman who attempts to jump off a bridge in Wichita, Kansas.
Local law enforcement officers are being called heroes.

And investigators are trying to figure out how a Martinsville woman was killed--
Her body was found 12 YEARS after she disappeared.

Another Hazy, Hot, And Humid day will lead to a few scattered showers by tomorrow...I'll have your forecast...

News 7 at noon is next.

[SUPER=#4054; News 7 Headline Banner]
[SUPER=@Leo1; ]


[TAPE#=01-22 TC 1:04:00]

Authorities in Southside are investigating the murder of a Martinsville woman that happened nearly 12 years ago.
[VO-NAT :19]
[SUPER=03-Patrick Co.;]

On Monday-- a dive team searching Philpott Lake in Patrick County discovered a body inside a barrel. Investigators originally thought it was that of a missing Nelson County man. But an autopsy yesterday determined the remains to be that of Ether Adean Smith. The 38- year old Martinsville woman vanished nearly 12- years ago.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=It's basically]
[SUPER=01-Kimmy Nester/Henry Co. Sheriff's Department; ]
[OUT Q=gone the next.]
[VO-NAT :15 plus pad]

Smith worked at Tultex and attended school at Patrick Henry Community College. Sources say she was last seen getting into a pickup truck with two white men. Investigators from both Henry and Patrick Counties are asking anyone with information to give them a call.



A consumer advocate is questioning a Congressman's decision to release a controversial portion of a tire safety study.
[SUPER=03-Washington, DC/Yesterday;]

Yesterday Louisiana Republican Billy (TOH'-zan) Tauzin said a congressional investigation shows Ford may be replacing faulty Firestone tires with even WEAKER tires.
President of the "Public Citizen"group Joan Claybrook says releasing the information yesterday was inappropriate, since that was the first Ford had heard of it.
(///// SOT /////)
[SOT 10:03:02 ]
[IN Q=You know]

[SUPER=01-Joan Claybrook/"Public Citizen" Advocacy Group;]
[OUT Q=refused to do so.]


Congressma (TOE-zan) says he'll release the specific brand names of faulty replacement tires after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has examined the data.



A school bus fire COULD have ruined the rest of season for the Lord Botetourt junior varsity softball team.
But community donations kept that from happening.
[SUPER=03-Roanoke Co./Home Video]

Fire broke out on the bus in April, as the girls were driving to a softball game in Salem.
The players lost all of their equipment in the fire... including softballs, bats and gloves.
[SUPER=03-Roanoke Co./April;]

The high school received several donations from the community that enabled it to keep the J-V softball team going.
Oakey's Funeral Home gave the team the largest portion: 16-hundred dollars.



A verdict is expected today in an American woman's re- trial on charges of terrorism.
New York native Lori Berenson denies allegations that she played a role in a failed plot to seize Peru's Congress.
Gretchen Carlson reports.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=01-Rhonda Berenson/Lori's Mother;]
[SUPER=02-Lori Berenson;]
[SUPER=01-Marc Berenson/Lori's Father;]
[SUPER=01-Gretchen Carlson/Reporting;]
[OUT Q=Carlson, CBS News, New York]

(((TRACK) It is Lori Berensons last chance to convince a panel of judges in Peru shes innocent. The American woman claims she had nothing to do with a Revolutionary movement to seize Perus Congress 5 years ago. Berensons parents are in Peru to be near their daughter for the verdict.

(SOT - cut if too long) Rhonda Berenson - Loris Mother

Well, shes of course waiting very patiently, has been for a very long time for this verdict. She was preparing her final statement and as we are, hoping for the best and prepared for the worst.

(TRACK) Courtesy: 48 Hours

Berenson was convicted of conspiring with leftist rebels in Peru in 1996 - by a secret military court - and sentenced to life in prison. While she admits she rented a house used by the rebels as a hide-out, she denies she knew their real identities. For the last 5 years, Berenson has been confined to a special prison for terrorists in the Andes Mountains.

(SOT - 10:39:15) Lori Berenson

For almost 2 years I was isolated and not able to see anyone, hear anyone, talk to anyone.


After years of pressure from the United States, Peru overturned Berensons conviction in August - leading to a new trial. Berensons father hopes "this" outcome will be fair.

(SOT) Marc Berenson - Loris Father

If you look at the facts that have been presented in this trial, you have only one conclusion: there is no evidence against Lori Berenson. She is innocent of these charges and she must be released.


Berenons fate will be known later today when the judges announce their verdict. Gretchen Carlson, CBS News, New York. ))



A deputy sheriff and a police officer from Wichita, Kansas are being hailed as heroes.
That after their quick reflexes saved a suicidal woman who attempted to jump off a bridge into the Arkansas River.
Drew Levinson has the story.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=03-Sedgwick Co., KS;]
[SUPER=01-Robert Burkhead/Deputy Sheriff;]
[SUPER=01-Drew Levinson/Reporting;]
[OUT Q=Levinson, CBS News, Chicago.]



This video shot from inside a police cruiser shows Deputy Robert Burkhead and a woman standing behind her car. They're on a bridge over the Arkansas river..
Suddenly she makes a break for the edge-... Just as she leaps to what would have been certain death-the deputy lunges after her.
Holding her shirt with his right hand-he goes over with her-but somehow Burkhead grabs the concrete railing with his left hand-and they dangle there for a few seconds.


"My whole idea was just to just hold on as tight and as long as I could. Right below where she jumped was a concrete support for the bridge and basically my arm acted just like a rope swinging her to deeper water between the pillars."
The woman fell 45 feet to the river below. Another Police officer on the scene then sprinted down to the riverbank-dived in and saved her.


"I was very impressed by his bravery, He's not a very good swimmer and had all his gear on. He selflessly jumped in the water and swam out to the middle of the river and towed her back in. It was amazing."
It all began late Sunday afternoon when police received a call that a suspicious person had been seen on the bridge.


"When we fist pulled up on scene there was another officer, Douglas Prior who was already on scene and he had talked to her she had told him that her car had broken down. When I talked to her she gave me a different story. She told me she was considering committing suicide.
What happened next was a combination of guts, brains and luck-it's what turns an ordinary deputy into a hero.


"I had my guardian angel with me that night." Actually the woman had a guardian angel. Drew Levinson, CBS News. ))[Tease1] [HARD MUSIC UNDER]

Still to come on the newscast, a former outback Survivor says he is considering a run for the Senate,

and in Alaska, a fishing company loses much of it fleet just as the salmon season begins.

[Wx-Tease] [Weatherpro] [Streaming Video] [music up full] [comm1]



It's a fisherman's nightmare in Alaska--
[SUPER=04-Home Video;]

Home video captures the fire that's destroyed nearly 40 fishing boats, just as salmon season was about to begin.
[SUPER=03-Bristol Bay, AK;]

Gary Kohlwes shot the video.
He lost three boats in the blaze.
The fire also destroyed more than dozen buildings.
The total damage from the blaze is estimated at 13- million dollars.
All the boats involved in the fire served a seafood company that supplies fish to Europe and Japan.



These days, most of the news surrounding the former "Survivor" contestants involves modeling for men's magazines...
This time, it involves POLITICS.
You might remember Michael Skupin for his dramatic exit off the show.
He had to leave the Outback after burning his hands when he fell into a fire.
Now, he's thinking about jumping into the political ring, as a possible candidate for Michigan's U-S Senate seat.
[SOT 10:05:18]
[IN Q=Well you know...]
[SUPER=01-Michael Skupin/Former "Survivor";]
[OUT Q=seriously considering it.]


Skupin says he'll also have to consider the possible impact a run for the Senate might have on his family and on his business.


[TAPE#=01-37 TC05:12]
[GRAPHIC=Election 2001]

A Republican will represent Virginia's Fourth District in Congress.

That's because Republican Randy Forbes won yesterday's special election.
Forbes took 52 percent of the votes,

Democrat Louise Lucas lagged behind with 48 percent in the Petersburg-Area district.
The state senator succeeds Norman Sisisky, a Democrat who died in March.
Some political analysts say the race will be viewed as an early referendum on the Bush administration and as a bellwether for next year's midterm elections.


[TAPE#=01-18 TC1:22:09]
[GRAPHIC=Mark Warner]

Bluegrass music and plenty of T-V time seem to be making the early difference in the Governor's race.
High tech multi-millionaire Mark Warner's doing better than previous Democrats in the most rural parts of a Republican-leaning state.
Richmond Bureau Chief Ellen Qualls reports .
[IN Q=Here comes Mark Warner]
[SUPER=04-Warner Campaign; :00]
[SUPER=@Ellen2; 1:42 ]
[OUT Q=Qualls, News 7, Richmond.]
(( [nat sot 01:03:17]

After a month of heavy T-V face time, and in the week after voters around the state picked him two urban running mates, Democratic candidate Mark Warner is still up.
In our latest NEWS 7/Mason-Dixon poll, Warner leads Republican Mark Earley by five percentage points, 45-40, in a poll with a margin of error of plus or minus four points.
But Mark Earley has gained ground since our last poll in March, when Warner had a seven point lead, and it was a 44-37 contest.
Since March, of course, Earley's won his party's nomination in a June 2nd convention, stepped down from the Attorney General's office, and hit the fundraising trail to try to erase a huge cash disadvantage.
The Warner ads have clearly paid off in name recognition.
95 percent in our poll recognize the Democratic entrepreneur.
87 percent recognize Republican Earley, even though he's held statewide office for three years.
But its the regional results that best show what Mark Warner's strategy is and has to be to win.
He is strong in his home base of northern Virginia, with a 50-35 showing over Earley.
He is almost equally strong in Roanoke and Southwest, with a 49- 36 advantage.
And even on Earley's home turf of Hampton Roads, Mark Warner has a 46 to 40 percent edge.
Not surprisingly, Mark Earley wins in Lynchburg and Southside, where he polls 43 percent support to Warner's 38 percent.
Earley also takes the Shenandoah Valley and Piedmont regions with 47 percent to Warner's 40 percent.
But for comparison, Republican George Allen won those regions by about 20 and 25 percentage points in last fall's poll.
They have lately been bigtime Republican country.
[sot ]

So expect more rural flavor from the Democrat who wants to keep those margins close.
Ellen Qualls, News 7, Richmond.))

Still to come on the newscast, a young criminal learns a hard lesson. If you rob a restaurant, don't wait around for a to-go order,

Also we'll meet a young baker who is 25-thousand dollars richer.




The next generation of Julia Childs and Emeril Lagasse's broke out their mixing bowls yesterday in Orlando.
[SUPER=03-Orlando, FL;]

Thirty three young bakers gathered at Sea World to show off their favorite recipes at the first Pillsbury Kids Bakeoff.
Eleven year old Christine Latta took home the DOUGH with her Flaky Apple Pecan Tort.
(///// SOT /////)
[SOT 20:22:38]
[IN Q=Everybody had a good chance ]
[SUPER=01-Christine Latta/Bake-Off Winner;]
[OUT Q=I didn't really know.]

The recipes were judged on taste, appearance, preparation and creativity.
Christine gets 25 thousand dollars. Pillsbury is donating another 25 thousand to the charity of her choice.



A teenager in Texas is heading to jail because he wouldn't drop the chalupa.
[SUPER=03-Ft. Worth, TX;]

Police say a 17 year old man pedalled up to a Taco Bell drive through on his bike and demanded cash. THEN he ordered a chalupa.
While he was waiting for his food, store employees called 9-1-1.
Police showed up as they filled his order.
The suspect probably wouldn't have been hard to find even if he had gotten away. It turns out he used to work at the same restaurant.

[Weather] [NOON WEATHER] [06/20/2001] [TWO SHOT]





[TAPE# none]

On Wall Street at Noon, the DOW was DOWN four points.


Nasdaq was UP four points.

(x=up y=down)[tease3]


Still to come on News 7 - Meet a Virginia Tech student who isn't horsing around about his education -

And - The gender of her baby wasn't this mother's only surprise. We'll have details after the break.



[TAPE#=SP-96 5105tc]

The Boston Red Sox stepped up to the plate in Tampa last night. And while most people expected the Sox to win, NO one figured knuckleballer Tim Wakefield would be heading to the 9th inning with a no-hitter.
[SUPER=03-Tampa, FL/NESN-MLB; :00]

But Wakefield was rolling in the 8th on the way to first big league no-hitter. He retired 16 straight batters.
But then he needed some help from his friends. With 2 outs in the 8th, Troy O'Leary comes on strong from left field.
He makes the tremendous diving catch to end the inning and keep Wakefield's no-no alive. He also had good run support at the plate, as former Lynchburg RedSox star Trot Nixon hit two solo homers including this one in the 9th. That turned out to be a big run, because Randy Wynn would ruin the no-hitter in the bottom of the ninth with this single.
It ignites a 4 run Tampa Bay rally.
[super=35-Boston/5/Tampa Bay/4;]

Wakefield gets the win, but he's forced to leave the game as the Sox just do hang on for the 5-to-4 win.



Barry Bonds is keeping up his home run barrage.
[SUPER=03-San Diego, CA;]

In the 5th inning of a game last night in San Diego, the San Francisco Giants' outfielder launched a ball off a sign in right centerfield that was ruled a home run by umpires.
That was Bonds' 37th homer of the season. He's now in a 3-way tie for the major leagues' most home runs before the All-Star Break.
Also on the list is Reggie Jackson in 1969, and Mark McGwire in 19-98.

That was the year, McGwire broke the home run record.


[TAPE#=sp-89 tc 2:01:22]

A Virginia Tech student is using what he learns in vet school to improve his performance at the Roanoke Valley Horse Show .
Joe Amory is a rising sophomore.

He wants to specialize in equine surgery after he graduates from vet school.
Joe says riding gives him a break from his rigorous academic life, but what he learns in the classroom also helps him in the ring.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=we study]
[SUPER=01-Joe Amory/Virginia Tech Equestrian; :03]
[OUT Q=great combination]

The equestrian club is part of the Animal Science Department.
It survives off the generosity of private donations.
And it has a long history at Virginia Tech.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=some people]
[SUPER=01-Teresa McDonald/Virginia Tech Equestrian Club; :01]
[OUT Q=for six years]


The Roanoke Valley Horse Show continues through Saturday night at the Salem Civic Center Fair Grounds.



Finally today, we have a story with a surprise ending...or at least a surprise beginning.
On June ninth, a woman in Sioux Falls, South Dakota went to the hospital with what she thought was a stomach ache. It turns out she was in labor. What is amazing is she never even knew she was pregnant. Jaine Andrews has more.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=03-Sioux Falls, SD; :04]
[SUPER=01-Jaine Andrews/CBS News; :16]
[SUPER=01-Larissa Bowman/New Mother; :26]
[SUPER=01-Dr. Karen Heilig/Emergency Room Doctor; :37]
[OUT Q=for CBS News]

(( "I started getting a little stomach ache and I thought, 'Oh, no big deal."

But it was about to become a very big deal.
"Then as it got late, I finally got a hold of my husband and said, " I have a stomach ache and I don't know what it is, but it hurts."
STANDUP/Jaine Andrews "Larissa came here to the emergency room at Sioux Valley convinced she was having an attack of appendicitis, what she was really having...was seven pound, seven ounce Carl Anthony."
"They started checking me and they said, 'You're gonna have a baby real soon.' I said, 'I'm gonna have a what?"

It took a little convincing...
"I said,'No way!'"

"Some cases are just circumstances and the moms are busy and they don't pay attention to their own bodies."
"I had gained a little bit of weight, but I thought, 'Oh, it's over the wintertime, it's being lazy."

Yea, but a full term baby is bound to show,
"I think it depends on the position of the baby and height, she's taller and so she had a little bit more of a torso that she can hide things in."

Come on, how could she NOT know she was pregnant?
"I felt fine, I never had morning sickness."

Okay, but a woman knows these things,
"I was still having all my monthly cycles."

And babies move...a lot.
"I never felt him move-at all."

Oh, did I mention that Larissa was on the pill at the time?
"I don't know, I had no clue, I didn't feel different."

So how did Larissa's gone-fishin' husband respond to the news?
"I called him and I said, 'Honey, we just had a little boy' and he said, 'We had a what?'"
Jaye Andrews for CBS News)) [Quickcast] [WXPRO/FULL] Quickcast[REPRS@CL] SUPER=X4031; Fax/Copyright Noon/Weekends [SUPER=X4030; e-Mail/Copyright Noon/Weekends]
by SS