

It's bad news that comes as a surprise to no one--
As expected, stocks take a big plunge, right after the opening bell this morning.
The losses come despite an interest rate cut.
We'll have the latest from New York.

And another defendant pleads guilty in a federal moonshine trial in Roanoke.


News 7 at noon is next.

[SUPER=#4054; News 7 Headline Banner]



An unprecedented start to a trading day in New York as thousands gather on the floor of the Stock Exchange for two minutes of silence.
But that silence preceded a dramatic drop on Wall Street.



Good Afternoon, I'm Kimberly McBroom.
As the search continues for survivors from last week's terrorists attacks the financial world is facing a rocky day.
Wall Street is open after a four day shutdown.
But so far, it looks like last week's terrorism is having a greater influence on investors that this morning's half-point interest rate cut. Just as he did in New York, President Bush is visiting the damaged Pentagon building today.
Bush will meet with military reservists and get an update on their status.
Gretchen Carlson is in New York with the latest.
[SUPER=141-Gretchen Carlson/CBS News;]
[SUPER=145-New York, NY;]

(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=143-New York, NY;]
[OUT Q=last six days.]

(NAT - god bless America)


It was an emotional moment never seen before an opening bell thousands of people at the New York stock exchange singing God Bless America.

(NAT - silence)


Before that 2 minutes of silence to remember those killed in the terrorist attacks and those still missing.

(NAT - announcing firefighter)

These are our heroes!


A representative for the rescue workers officially rang the bell to try and get America back on its feet.

(NAT - outside on the street)


Outside commuters coming into town for the first time in almost a week were greeted by a war zone instead of Wall Street many of them wearing gas masks.

(SOT - commuter)

(NAT - ground zero)


But at ground zero the work goes on as it has for the last six days. ))
[SUPER=145-New York, NY;]


[GRAPHIC=Stock Market]

Red ink is flowing through Asian stock markets early today, in the wake of last week's tragedy in the U-S.
[SUPER=143-Hong Kong, China;]

In Hong Kong, the benchmark Hang Seng Index was down 3.81 percent.
All told, the index is down almost 11 percent since the attacks, and about 38 percent since the start of the year.
Traders observed a minute's silence for the victims of the attack in the U-S before trading began today.
(///// SOT /////)
[SOT 6:23:37 ]
[IN Q=I think that]
[SUPER=141-Charles Lee/Hong Kong Exchanges Chairman;]

[OUT Q=exercise caution.]
[SUPER=143-Tokyo, Japan;]

The news is no better in Tokyo, where stocks this morning fell to their lowest level this year.
The Nikkei fell below the 10-thousand mark.


[GRAPHIC=Stock Market]

Local brokers have been flooded with calls today...not by clients who are selling stock, but those wanting to BUY.

[DOUBLE BOXES=Kimberly/Jen /Microwave;]

New 7 Business Reporter Jennifer Miele is standing by to let us know where things stand locally.

((ROLLCUE:...retool this economy.))
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=01-George Brammer/A.G. Edwards Stockbroker; :00]
[SUPER=03-Roanoke; :20]
[OUT Q=at the wrong time]

[LIVE=Jennifer FULL]

[DOUBLE BOXES=Kimberly/Jennifer Microwave;]
(Is there a safety net if the Dow keeps dropping?)



Washington is getting back to business, as the hunt for conspirators in last week's terrorist attack extends across the nation and across the world.
Chris Lawrence reports from the Pentagon.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=143-Washington, DC;]
[SUPER=141-Chris Lawrence/CBS News;]
[OUT Q=Lawrence, CBS News, Washington.]

Federal workers came out of the subway this morning. Carrying coffee cups and brown bag lunches. Its the first Monday since the attack, and some were scared.


I work at the federal building here and I dont feel safe at all.
But others openly defied the terrorists.


What you did, it didnt touch the fiber of America.


Glad to have you back.
President Bush himself said good morning to employees at the Old Executive Office building.


The best way to fight terrorism is to not let terrorism intimidate America.
Osama bin Laden is the prime suspect in the attack, and officials say he may be hiding in Afghanistan. That country has closed its airspace and deployed thousands of troops to the border of Pakistan.
Pushed by the Bush administration, Pakistan has sent a delegation to Pakistan with a stark ultimatum -- hand over Osama bin Laden to the U-S, or expect to be attacked by the U.S.
And back in the U.S. officials have four people in custody as they continue the nationwide search for accomplices.
While work continues at the Pentagon, officials are considering whether to lift an executive order that bans the government from participating in overseas assassinations.





Another defendant in Roanoke's federal moonshine trial has pled guilty.
Ralph Dwayne Hale Junior this morning admitted to making untaxed whiskey. He was among those involved in operating a massive indoor still discovered two years ago in Craig County.
Hale's father is one of five other defendants whose trial began in federal court this morning.
This had been set to get underway with opening statements last Tuesday. It was delayed until today because of Tuesday's terrorist attacks.


[ANCHOR=Kimberly ]

Three children are buried after a trench collapses on them just outside Sacramento, California.
[SUPER=03-Rio Linda, CA;]

The four-by-eight-foot trench was apparently dug out for a water main installation.
Authorities believe four children were playing close to the hole, when they fell in.
THREE of them died after dirt collapsed on them.
A fourth child suffered only minor injuries.
The incident reminds rescue workers of the larger- scale effort going on in New York.
(///// SOT /////)
[SOT 3:53:33 ]
[IN Q=This is really no different]

[SUPER=01-Patrick Ellis/Sacramento Metro Fire Dept.;]
[OUT Q=in New York.]

Ellis says the workers are shoring up the sides of the trench to prevent any further collapse.


[GRAPHIC=Tropical Storm]

A tropical storm sweeps through northern Taiwan, swallowing homes and blocking main roads.
Mudslides and flash floods have claimed 21 lives so far.
[SUPER=03-Taipei, Taiwan;]

Rivers of rain came down mountains in the city's suburbs and swamped basements and first floors of homes.
Several victims drowned in their sleep.
Meanwhile, the storm blacked out more than 800- thousand homes, and about eight-thousand people were forced to evacuate.

[WX-Tease] ((TOSS TO Steve)) [09/17/2001]


[SS=NONE]Steve TOSS BACK[Tease1]


Still to come on the newscast, local Girl Scouts want to help you fly the colors of patriotism,

and we'll see how faith is helping local residents deal with this time of crisis.

[Streaming Video] [music up full] [comm1]


[TAPE#=01-37 TC-48:19]
[GRAPHIC=America Responds]

A strong sense of faith is helping many Americans stay strong after last week's attacks. Thousands attended a memorial service at the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, as well as countless others in the area. Justin Mcleod has more.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=141-Mike Shelton/Bedford Mayor; :28]
[SUPER=143-Bedford; :48]
[SUPER=141-Donna Hopkins Britt/Calvary Baptist Church; 1:15]
[SUPER=150-Justin McLeod/jmcleod*wdbj7.com; 1:37]
[OUT Q=Justin McLeod, News 7.]


[TAPE#=01-23 ]
[GRAPHIC=America Responds]

The Girl Scouts want to help you show your American pride.

Since last Thursday, Girl Scout employees in Salem have been making red, white and blue ribbons to tie on car antennas. They estimate they've given away more than three thousand so far. The ribbons will continue to be available until the Girls Scouts run out of supplies to make them. If you drive by the Girl Scout headquarters during lunch hour today, they'll tie the ribbons on your antenna for you.



[TAPE#=01-49 TC-16:02]
[GRAPHIC=America Responds]

The total tops 16 thousand dollars, and it's still growing. More than 800 people have now stopped at our WDBJ studios .. to help the Red Cross relief efforts in New York and at the Pentagon.

Along with donating 16 thousand-409 dollars so far, our visitors have written notes of sympathy to the thousands of families who lost loved ones in the terrorist attacks.
You are welcome to stop by the station this week during normal business hours.


[GRAPHIC=News 7 Feedback]

Viewers of News 7 were vocal with their concerns about the terrorism that hit America.
Here's News 7 Feedback, with assignment editor Joe McKean.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=first audio]
[OUT Q=nat sound typing.]

(( A viewer from Vinton spoke for many who wrote to us last week about the 11th of September: [Cindy Dickerson/Vinton] "I love America and am so proud to be a citizen. I pray for all of the victims and their families. May all know that God is with us."
A man from Roanoke [Tim Underwood] wrote: "This is a time that all Americans must come together as one and in unity cry out for Justice! Cry out as one America, for swift action against those that would penetrate our borders and murder our brethren."
Many are hoping for terrible, swift retaliation. [J. Gauldin/Callands]"I heard on TV that someone said the terrorists had won a victory, but in my eyes they just signed their death warrants. They are taking on the US and its proud people. We as a nation may quarrel between ourselves but we will stand together they better believe that. The Freaks, Cowboys, Yanks and the Rebels will stand together."
Still others urge restraint. [Mrs. Robbie Gallagher/Roanoke] "Comments made about taking revenge are totally unacceptable. The people that have done this cowardly act need to be held responsible for their actions and be punished severely, but teaching our children that revenge is right is totally wrong!" [Olivia Monem/Blacksburg] "Please remind viewers that the attacks in New York and Washington were done by people after political gains, and do NOT represent people of any particular race or religious background. Backlash against Muslims in particular have occurred in many places around this country and there is absolutely no justification for that."
[Sheila G. Conner/Roanoke] "We, as Americans, must NOT act like the dogs that attacked us by attacking all Middle Eastern nationalities that are living in the US To do so is to become terrorists ourselves."
A couple of viewers are urging the city of Roanoke to change the color of the Mill Mountain Star.
[Amy Collins/Christiansburg] "I have a comment I wish you would relay to the officials of Roanoke. Your reporting stated their comment as to changing the star to red, white and blue was that it took more than the flick of a switch. My comment to them: It will also take more than the flick of a switch to find, if ever, all the fallen heroes, the moms, the dads, the sisters, the brothers, the friends."
During one part of the continuous coverage on CBS, the network aired videotape of the attack on the World Trade Center, accompanied by strong language from the eyewitnesses.
Objecting to that, one viewer wrote: [Sandra Jones/Troutville] "I would like to know why that kind of language had to be aired? The pictures would have said enough. The sound could have been deleted. I believe this was uncalled for and if people don't stand up against it it will continue to trickle into our homes until it becomes commonplace."
If you'd like to exercise your First Amendment rights, here's our mailing address...our fax number...our e-mail address, and our website on-line forum.
Joe McKean, News-7. ))

(Kimberly tosses to bump)


News 7 Mornin' will be right back


Still to come on the newscast,

we'll see how fundraising efforts are in the last weeks of the Governor's race.

by SS