

[GRAPHIC=Mornin' Report]

Good morning, I'm Kimberly McBroom.
Be sure to throw the umbrella in the car this morning, as showers head our way.
Metereologist Leo Hirsbrunner has more on that, straight ahead in the forecast.


[NEWSCAST=am cutins]
[TAPE#=02-51 TC 3:30]
[GRAPHIC=Election 2002]

Today's the day Virginians head to the polls.
Voters in our area will elect a U-S Senator, three Congressmen and a replacement for Vance Wilkins in the House of Delegates.
They'll also decide whether the state will borrow money to finance parks and college building projects.
[DOUBLE BOXES 1304 ESSC =Kim / Marya Microwave;]

Marya Jones is out at Northside High School this morning and has been monitoring the polls.
Kimberly, the polls opened at 6 this morning.
[LIVE=Marya /FULL]
[SUPER=419-Marya Jones/mjones*wdbj7.com]
[SUPER=405-Roanoke Co.;]

Because this is an off-year election, a statewide turnout of about 25 to 30 percent is expected.
Here at the Northside precinct, the norm is around 50 percent.
Even though there aren't many heated races, voters will have plenty to decide. ((ROLLCUE:... plenty to decide.))
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=Republican]
[OUT Q=attorney general in 2001]

(( Republican Senator John Warner faces NO challenge from Democrats in his bid for a fifth term.
His only opponents are Independent candidate Nancy Spannaus and Liberterian Jacob Hornberger.
In the 5th Congressional District, Republican Virgil Goode is seeking a fourth term. He's challenged by Democrat Meredith Richards, a Charlottesville City Council member.
In the 6th District, Republican Congressman Bob Goodlatte is seeking his sixth term un-opposed. But Roanoke activist Martin Jeffrey is mounting a write-in campaign.
And in the 9th, Democrat Rick Boucher is going for his 11th term...
He's challenged by Jay Katzen, a Republican who lost his bid for attorney general in 2001.))
[LIVE=Marya /FULL]
[SUPER=405-Roanoke Co.;]

Voters also have to consider a one-billion dollar bond referendum that would borrow money to pay for college construction projects and parks.
[DOUBLE BOXES 1304 ESSC=Kim /Marya Microwave;]

(Marya adlib toss back to Kim)


[NEWSCAST=am cutins]
[GRAPHIC=Election 2002]

News 7 will provide complete election coverage tonight.
[Election Tonight FS #1302]

We will bring you live updates and the latest returns throughout the evening. Our special coverage begins when the polls close at 7.
[Web Page FS #1300]

And you will find up-to-the-minute results on all contested races in our region throughout the evening .. on our web page at WDBJ7-dot-com.


[NEWSCAST=cut -ins]



[Desk 2-Shot=Kim and Leo]

(Good Bye!)


[GRAPHIC=Mornin' Report]

Good morning, I'm Kimberly McBroom.
Rain is again moving into the region, with precipitation heavy at times. Metereologist Leo Hirsbrunner has the complete outlook, right after the news.


[NEWSCAST=am cutins]
[GRAPHIC=Election 2002]

It's election day.
Voters in our area will head to the polls to pick a U-S Senator, three representatives and a replacement in the General Assembly for Vance Wilkins.
They also have to vote on a one-BILLION dollar bond package for schools and parks.
[DOUBLE BOXES 1304 ESSC =Kim / Marya Microwave;]

Marya Jones is out at the Northside High voting precinct this morning.
What kind of turnout have you seen this morning, Marya?
(Marya ad libs about turnout/polls opening)
[LIVE=Marya /FULL]
[SUPER=419-Marya Jones/mjones*wdbj7.com]
[SUPER=405-Roanoke Co.]

One of the big decisions before voters is the bond referendum.
They're being asked to approve borrowing one-BILLION dollars to finance parks and college building projects. ((ROLLCUE:...building projects.))
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=The bond would]
[OUT Q=of Virginia's colleges.]

(( The bond would raise 846-MILLION dollars for classrooms, libraries and labs at Virginia's colleges.
Virginia Tech would receive about 72-million and Radford about 28-million.
Community colleges are slated to receive about 160-million dollars.
Opponents say the bond will cost the state millions of dollars in interest during a budget crisis.
Supporters say schools will need the money to pay for a spike in enrollment... and to sustain the reputations of Virginia's colleges.))
[LIVE=Marya /FULL]
[SUPER=405-Roanoke Co.;]

It's been 10 years since a bond referendum for schools and parks passed in Virginia.
A turnout of less than 30 percent statewide is predicted for today's election and that could affect the outcome.

Here in Roanoke County, they're predicting as much as 45 percent turnout.
[DOUBLE BOXES 1304 ESSC=Kim /Marya Microwave;]

We'll be talking to the election chief here about that a little later this morning. Kimberly?


[NEWSCAST=am cutins]
[GRAPHIC=Election 2002]

News 7 will provide complete election coverage tonight.
[Election Tonight FS #1302]

We will bring you live updates and the latest returns throughout the evening. Our special coverage begins when the polls close at 7.
[Web Page FS #1300]

And you will find up-to-the-minute results on all contested races in our region throughout the evening .. on our web page at WDBJ7-dot-com.


[NEWSCAST=cut -ins]



[Desk 2-Shot=Kim and Leo]

(Good Bye!)


[GRAPHIC=Mornin' Report]

Good morning, I'm Kimberly McBroom.
Temperatures won't make it out of the 40s today.
Metereologist Leo Hirsbrunner has the wet forecast, in just a few minutes.


[NEWSCAST=am cutins]
[GRAPHIC=Election 2002]

It's election day and polls have been open now for more than two hours.
While there aren't many heated races, voters in our area still have plenty to decide.
They'll vote on a one-billion dollar bond issue, elect a U-S Senator and three Congressmen.
Turnout predictions are less than 30 percent statewide,
[DOUBLE BOXES 1304 ESSC =Kim / Marya Microwave;]

But Marya Jones is out at Northside High School, where the turnout is usually much higher.
How's it looking so far?
(Marya ad libs on turnout)
[LIVE=Marya /FULL]
[SUPER=419-Marya Jones/mjones*wdbj7.com]
[SUPER=405-Roanoke Co.;]

(ad libs)
Joining me to talk about some of the issues for voters today is Joe Sanders, election chief here at Northside precinct.
[SUPER=401-Joe Sanders/Election Chief;]

(- How many voters are you expecting today? - You are in an entirely new Congressional District this year. Tell us what that means for you and the voters in your precinct. - Registrars got hit with state budget cuts this year ... will we notice the difference at the polls? - Any advice for voters before they head to the polls today?)
[LIVE=Marya /FULL]
[SUPER=405-Roanoke Co.;]

The polls opened at 6 this morning and they'll be open until 7 tonight.
[DOUBLE BOXES 1304 ESSC=Kim /Marya Microwave;]

(Marya ad libs back to Kimberly)


[NEWSCAST=am cutins]
[GRAPHIC=Election 2002]

News 7 will provide complete election coverage tonight.
[Election Tonight FS #1302]

We will bring you live updates and the latest returns throughout the evening. Our special coverage begins when the polls close at 7.
[Web Page FS #1300]

And you will find up-to-the-minute results on all contested races in our region throughout the evening .. on our web page at WDBJ7-dot-com.


[NEWSCAST=cut -ins]



[Desk 2-Shot=Kim and Leo]

(Good Bye!)

by SS