

An accident involving a tanker truck is slowing down traffic on Route 116 in Roanoke County.

Details, coming up.

And, Iraq's interim leader is addressing Congress.
He thanked the U-S on behalf of the Iraqi people for getting rid of Saddam Hussein.


Another beautiful day across the region with warm temperatures but the tropics remain active and could affect us. I'll have the details in your forecast.


Stay with us. News 7 at noon, starts right now.

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An accident has blocked Route 116 in Roanoke County this morning.

[TAKE MAP FS] A tanker truck carrying human waste overturned near the top of Windy Gap Mountain on Jae Valley Road. Officials say the truck is NOT leaking sewage. One lane is open for now, but the road will soon be shut down for clean-up Drivers are being told to expect extensive delays and should consider taking another route.

The driver, 64 year old Walter Etters of North Carolina, has been taken to the hospital for unspecified injuries. He faces charges of failure to maintain control of a vehicle.
A road in Franklin County is closed for a different reason.
V-DOT reports a section of Webster Road, east of Rocky Mount, is closed because of a damaged drainage pipe.
It's between Golden View and Ayers Roads in the Redwood area.
VDOT hopes to re-open Webster Road late Monday afternoon.



Despite constant setbacks, Iraq's interim Prime Minister told the U-S Congress ''the values of liberty and democracy'' are taking hold in his country.
Stacy Case is at the White House where the Iraqi leader is now meeting with President Bush.
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[IN Q=]
[SUPER=03-Baghdad, Iraq;]
[SUPER=01-Iyad Allawi/Iraqi Interim Prime Minister;]
[SUPER=01-Stacy Case/CBS News;]
[OUT Q=Case, CBS News at the White House.]


President Bush and Prime Minister Allawi are expected to hold a press conference in moments. We'll join it live when it happens.
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by SS