


Much of the eastern half of North Carolina remains under water 4 days after hurricane Floyd brought torrential rain.


And the first wave of peacekeepers arrives in East Timor.


News 7 at noon is next.


[GRAPHIC=Floyd Aftermath]

President Clinton is in North Carolina this afternoon to get a firsthand look at the damage from Hurricane Floyd.

He'll also be visiting a shelter where thousands have been staying since Floyd roared ashore last week.
North Carolina's governor says half the state is flooded and around 15-hundred are still stranded.
Jennifer Jones reports.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=03-Pitt Co., NC;]
[SUPER=01-Gov. James B. Hunt, Jr./(D) North Carolina;]
[SUPER=01-Jennifer Jones/Reporting;]
[OUT Q=CBS News, Charlotte.]

(((LOCATOR: PITT COUNTY, NC) As floodwaters rise, so do fears... that a horrible situation will only get worse for people in eastern North Carolina. Areas already hit with 20 inches of rain could get another downpour later today. There's also the threat of cresting rivers. ((nat)) President Clinton flew to North Carolina today to see the devastation firsthand. His trip includes a visit to Tarboro where much of the town is still under water. Hundreds of roads remain closed in several counties... and makeshift shelters are packed with thousands of displaced residents.
((sot: Governor Jim Hunt/D-North Carolina))

"We've got a serious situation. Our shelters are all crowded in there. People just set up shelters anyplace they can get onto high ground." ((track)) But help is on the way. Three thousand members of the national guard are airlifting and distributing supplies to battered communities. Jennifer Jones, CBS News,))

Parts of Virginia are also still feeling the effects of Floyd.
The town of Franklin remains isolated, cut off by the swollen Blackwater River.
And thousands of Virginians are still without electrical power.


[TAPE#=99-25 TC2:00:00]

Virginia tobacco farmers are also suffering because of Floyd.

Tobacco auctions in Danville and other flue-markets are canceled for the week because of flooding in tobacco warehouses in North Carolina.
Southside tobacco warehouses are in good shape and hope to re-open for sales next week.
Tobacco experts say that the damage to the crop in North Carolina may actually HELP boost sales in Virginia.



State police say a collision between a car and a tractor-trailer has blocked the southbound lanes of I-81 in Botetourt County.
The accident happened about a half-hour ago, at mile marker 148.
That's between the Hollins and Troutville exits.
Police say both lanes southbound are blocked; there are injuries, but they do not appear to be life-threatening.


[GRAPHIC=New jobs]

The Home Shopping Network says it plans to open a new call center in the Roanoke Valley.
The company will initially hire 150 people, but the center could eventually employ 350.
The Roanoke Call Center is expected to handle about 10 to 15 percent of all sales orders for The Home Shopping Network and its sister network America's Store.
The company already has a distribution center here. H-S- N operated a call center in the Roanoke Valley for a few months in 1987, before the center was shut down.



After only seven months on the air, a local radio station has dumped its format.
[SUPER=03-Roanoke/File Tape;]

Z-101-point-five was unique for its alternative rock music.
But this weekend the station suddenly switched to soft rock.
The owners say listeners loved alternative rock but it did not appeal to advertisers, so the station did not grow.
Now the Lynchburg radio station -- dubbed the River -- is now simulcast on 101-point-five.


[GRAPHIC=Legal Scales]

Felony charges against Virginia Tech football player Lorenzo Ferguson were withdrawn in Circuit Court this morning-- at least for now.
The 11 felony charges involved bad checks.
Prosecutor Skip Schwab said he had to withdraw the charges because he had trouble getting evidence from out-of-state banks.
Ferguson could be re-indicted on those charges in the future.
He did plead guilty on three misdemeanor theft charges.
A 30-day jail sentence was suspended.


[GRAPHIC=Legal Scales]

A jury is deciding the fate of the second white man accused of dragging a black man to death.
[SUPER=03-Bryan, TX]

The jury just began deliberating the case against Lawrence Brewer.
A guilty verdict could send Brewer to death row.
John King has already been sentenced to death in the case.
A third man is awaiting trial.



With peacekeepers on the ground in East Timor, the U-N plans to speed up the relief effort for hundreds of thousands of refugees.
The first wave of peacekeepers arrived in the capital of the troubled Indonesian province early today, taking control of its port and airfield.
Allen Pizzey reports.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=03-Dili, East Timor; :00]
[SUPER=01-Allen Pizzey/Reporting; :55]



Raisa (rah-EE'-sah) Gorbachev, the first lady of the last soviet leader, died today in Germany after battling leukemia.
As the wife of Mikhail Gorbachev.. she helped define a new role for women in Russian politics.
David Hawkins reports.
(///// SOT /////)

[IN Q=]
[SUPER=@File; :00]
[SUPER=01-David Hawkins/Reporting; :30]

((Before Raisa Gorbachev the wives of Soviet leaders were rarely seen and almost never heard. Hardly anyone even knew their names. Raisa Gorbachev changed all that... When Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev held summits to defrost the Cold War the rivalry between the two first ladies also made headlines. In her way, Raisa Gobachev symbolized the revolutionary changes her husband brought about in the Soviet Union: Glasnost and Perestroika. She was his most devoted supporter. For Russians, she was part Jackie Kennedy, telegenic and fashionable, and part Hillary Clinton, criticized for being too outspoken and too influential. Whatever influence she may have had came to an abrupt end in 1991... By the end of that year the Gorbachev's too, were history ... Raisa and Mikhail Gorbachev have remained in political obscurity, largely reviled in Russia for their part in bringing about the collapse of the Soviet Union. But while Raisa Gorbachev may have been the wife of Russia's last Communist leader, she'll almost certainly be remembered as the Soviet Union's first First Lady.))

A Roanoke County elementary school is celebrating 60 years in the education business.
The details are still ahead on News-7 at Noon.

And when we come back, one Royal is trying to boost her image, while another is using her royal image as a sales pitch.

[Wx-Tease] [Weatherpro] [music up full] [comm1]



The longtime love of Prince Charles may be trying to polish her image, taking another public step towards a royal relationship.
But Camilla Park Bowles isn't the only one making headlines.
Tom Fenton joins us from London with more.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q=]
[SUPER=04-August 5; :17]
[SUPER=01-Tom Fenton/Reporting; :56]

((Charles isn't with her on this trip. He rarely is in public. When he was on a Mediterranean cruise (Aug 5) this summer he left with his sons and entrouage on one plane. Camilla, the royal mistress, discreetly joined them on that trip later. Charles is still reticent about being seen with her in public. Another current target for the British press is Sophie Rhys-Jones (Jun 19) -- better known as the woman who married the Queen's youngest son and now as the Countess of Wessex. The Queen, according to one newspaper, is disturbed that Sophie is using the royal connection to sell things. Sophie runs a PR firm and is suddenly very much in demand. Both Edward (file) and Sophie have been criticized for capitalizing on the royal connection. Edward makes and sells documentaries about the royals. And when he was on a recent visit to America he got in trouble by opening his mouth in public. He criticized the British for "hating anyone who succeeds" and had to apologize later.
O/C: Camilla is likely to be discreet during this trip, which by the way, is not a royal tour. She is traveling privately, although Charles allegedly paid for the upgrade for her to fly on the Concorde.))


[TAPE#=99-32 57:40]

Roanoke County's Burlington Elementary has played host to thousands of students in its 60-year history.
[SUPER=03-Roanoke Co.]

Yesterday former and current students and teachers came out to celebrate the school's anniversary and building dedication.
Three generations of the Huffman family have attended Burlington -- and Raymon Huffman was one of the first students go to the school in 1939.
(///// SOT /////)
[SOT 10:38:20]
[IN Q=It means a whole]

[SUPER=01-Raymon Huffman/Former Burlington Elem. Student]
[OUT Q=family really]

The building has grown over the years with the most recent additions of a new gym, library, and six new classrooms.

The school houses kindergarten through the fifth grades.



Vistar Eye Center will make a second try to get approval for an outpatient surgery center.
The group of Roanoke Valley opthamologists says it will file a notice of appeal this week with the state health commissioner.
Last year, the state Health Department denied a certificate of public need for the outpatient center.
The doctors say the proposed center would be more convenient and less expensive for elderly patients than hospital treatments.
We'll have more on this story tonight on News-7 at Five.



The debate over internet sales taxation is heating up.
And Al Gore says it's time to get tough with cyber stalkers.
Eric Earnhart has more in WebWatch.
[IN Q=Gore released a new]
[OUT Q=EE, News-7]

[RUNS= :05]

Gore released a new Justice Department report saying state and federal laws aren't strong enough to deal with online stalking, which is on the rise....
He's pushing tougher penalties that specifically deal with chat room or e-mail harassment.
American Air Lines is canceling 20 percent of it's New Year's Eve flights... it says it has nothing to with Y2K concerns, they're almost done updating computers... They're cutting flights because of slow ticket sales... which may indicate consumers are still uncertain.
Governor Gilmore's commission looking at internet taxes says the big question is not IF online sales should be taxed, but HOW, is it practical... the commission met in New York last week.
Practical or not, internet taxes may not play well for politicians.
A recent Gallup Poll found more than a third of voters surveyed would NOT vote for a candidate who favors taxing internet sales.
Two thirds think internet taxes will slow the growth of online commerce.
Ever wonder "how stuff works"?
Like... how televisions actually receive a color picture... or why CD's do that "rainbow thing".
It's all on a website, appropriately named... howstuffworks-dot-com.
Site creator Marshall Brain (yes its his real name) even tackles that age old "which came first, chicken and egg question."
Links to this and other sites are on the WebWatch page, on the WDBJ website, at WDBJ7-dot-com.))


Still ahead on News-7 at Noon, Patrick Evans will have the latest on Gert and Harvey.

Either of which could be the answer to these folks' prayers.
Find out why when we return.



[TAPE#=99-29 1:05:14]
[GRAPHIC=Drought of 99]

While many folks in Eastern Virginia are praying for the water to go away, some people in our part of the state are praying for more.

Lee Plaza in downtown Roanoke was filled with the sounds of prayer yesterday as about 80 people, including officials and community leaders, attended a service in hopes of turning around the ongoing water shortage.
(///// SOT /////)

[IN Q=There's more]

[SUPER=01-Russ Alden/Organizer]
[OUT Q=of the water resource.]

Roanoke city, Roanoke County, Salem, and Vinton were represented at the prayer service.


[TAPE# none]

On Wall Street at Noon, the Dow was DOWN 13 points.

Still ahead in sports, the Bills run victory-- on the legs of quarterback Doug Flutie.

And there was an UN-familiar face in the winner's circle at yesterday's race in New Hampshire.
Find out who when News-7 at Noon returns.




Doug Flutie was at his scrambling best during Buffalo's 17-to-3 win over the New York Jets.
[SUPER=03-Buffalo, NY/NFL - ESPN]

We pick up the action in the second quarter.
Flutie takes off and scrambles 24 yards-- for the longest run of his N-F-L career.
That leads to this one yard touchdown run by Antowain Smith. Bills held a 7- nothing lead at the half.
In the third, Flutie takes off again-- running for another 24 yard gain and a touchdown to boot.
[SUPER=30-N. Y. Jets/3/Buffalo/14//;]

The Jets had just one sustained drive in Rick Mirer's first game as the team's starting quarterback.
Buffalo wins it 17 to three.


[TAPE#=SP-53 (2:12)]

Unlike last weekend, the Redskins took a lead and kept it yesterday.
Brad Johnson passed for 230 yards and three touchdowns to lead the Redskins to a 50 to 21 win over the New York Giants.
[SUPER=03-East Rutherford, NJ/FOX Sports; :]

New York's Jason Seahorn still nursing a pre season injury.
But Washington's Stephen Davis was the man. On this play he breaks tackles at the line bounces outside and scores on the 19 yard run for his third T-D of the game the Skins led 21 to nothing.
The Giants would answer that score in the second quarter former U-V-A fullback Charles Way scores on the 7 yard run to make it 21 to 7 Washington.
The Washington defense would come up with a big play. Shawn Barber intercepts this pass and he returns it 69 yards for the score, his first T-D as a pro and the Skins went on top 27 to 7.
The Giants didn't fold the tent. Leshown Johnson takes the handoff and scores from 11 yards out and New York trailed the Redskins 27 to 14 at the half.
[SUPER=36-Washington/50/N. Y. Giants/21/;]

The Redskins would open the third quarter with a drive that ended up with the Brad Johnson one yard T-D pass to Stephen Alexander and Washington wins it 50 to 21.


[TAPE#=SP-54 (2:34)]
[GRAPHIC=New Hampsire Logo]

Joe Nemechek is enjoying his first Winston Cup win.
Yesterday, he took the lead with 69 laps to go to win the Dura Lube/Kmart 300.
[SUPER=03-Loudon, NH/TNN Sports; :]

Rusty Wallace would lead early but last week's winner Tony Stewart takes the lead passing Rusty on lap 53.
Then moments later a caution would hit the track as Kevin Lepage gets lose and hits the wall.
Bobby Labonte works his way to the front he passes Dale Jarrett for fourth place with 194 laps to go in the race.

Dale Earnhardt's car was good for about 10 laps he drops back in the pack after running as high as third.
Bobby Labonte would make a run at the lead and he was running in second place trying to catch Jarrett.
Jarrett then ran into some problems he was penalized a lap for pitting out of the box and that put him in the back of the pack.
Nemechek had the race under control and then Terry Labonte crashes bringing out the caution with about 2 laps to go.
All Nemechek had to do was follow the pace car to the finish line to win the Dura Lube/Kmart 300, for his first win in Winston Cup.
(///// SOT /////)
[IN Q="We got...]
[SUPER=01-Joe Nemechek/Dura Lube Kmart 300 Winner; :]
[OUT Q=.....it worked."]
[GRAPHIC=Hold Logo]

Tony Stewart was second, Bobby Labonte third, Jeff Burton fourth, and Jeff Gordon fifth. Ward Burton was 8-th and Rick Mast ninth.

by SS