CATALYST V21N3 - Editor's Page

Volume XXI, Number 3
Summer 1991

Editor's Page

Darrel A. Clowes

In Celebration of 20 Years

The Catalyst completed 20 years of continuous publication in 1990. This represents a significant achievement for the National Council on Community Services and Continuing Education that has sponsored the journal and for the field that it represents. This is the longest continuous journal publication by any council of the AACJC and a tribute to the vitality and commitment of CS/CE practitioners in the community colleges.

The Council asked that we recognize this accomplishment. We proposed and the Council agreed to use two issues of the Catalyst to commemorate this event by presenting the articles published over the 20-year period that were most significant in shaping the mission and the functions of CS/CE. This also seemed an appropriate occasion to produce an index for the first 20 years of the journal. That index will appear in the next issue by author and by topic.

Past and present editors of the Catalyst served as the panel that read and rated the articles published over the first 20 years. I am grateful to Charles Atwell, Marjorie Keatley, Robert Sullins, and George Vaughan for their willingness to work with me on this task. The five separate ratings were combined, rerated and finally reduced to a ranking of the 17 articles we felt most significant. We had four broad topics related to CS/CE: mission, history, the role of lifelong learning, and the practice of CS/CE. The articles were then culled to allow only one article per author in each category and then to fit our limited space. Twelve articles were finally selected. The six related to mission of CS/CE appear in this issue in their order of appearance. Tom Lachowicz and I prepared an interpretive article on the content of the Catalyst over the first 20 years. That leads off this issue as a background for the articles that follow.

This has been an interesting project for us. I thank the Council for its support of the effort. We hope you will share our pride in the Catalyst and in these commemorative issues.

Copyright 1992 by the National Council on Community Services & Continuing Education. Permission is given to copy any article provided credit is given and the copies are not intended for sale.