QBARS v16n4 - Table of Contents

R. 'Bow Bells'
R. 'Bow Bells'
See Cover Article

The Quarterly Bulletin
of the
American Rhododendron Society

October 15, 1962
Vol. 16 No. 4

Published Quarterly by THE AMERICAN RHODODENDRON SOCIETY, 3514 N. Russet St., Portland, Oregon. Membership subscription to the American Rhododendron Society $5.00 a year. The Quarterly Bulletin of the American Rhododendron Society is included as a benefit of membership. Copyright 1962 by the American Rhododendron Society. Permission to reprint any portion of this volume must be granted in writing by the Society.

Issue Contents
Rhododendrons in the USA & Canada
by Dietrich Hobbie
The Azalea Fields on Mount Taconic
by F. W. Schumacher
Native Rhododendrons and Other Acid Soil Plants
by Edgar T. Wherry
Objective Measurement of Hardiness in Azalea
by Robert L. Gonderman
Some Thoughts on a Rating System for Rhododendrons
by R. Ticknor and W. Guttormsen
A Question about the Names of R. nudiflorum and R. roseum
by Lloyd H. Spinners
Two New Chapters Accepted by the ARS Seattle World's Fair Show Staged by The Seattle Rhododendron Society
A.R.S. Gold Medal Awarded to Dr. John C. Wister On Liming Rhododendrons
by Douglas Gibb-Edlich
An Ecological Interpretation of Rhododendron Colonies in Maine and New Hampshire
by A. R. Hodgdon and R. Pike
When a Rhododendron Breeder Dies, What Happens to His Hybrid Seedlings?
by John C. Wister
A.R.S. Committees for 1962-1963
by J. Harold Clarke
More on Liming and Azaleas
by Clarence Barbre
Citation for David G. Leach Rhododendron Notes
Progress of the Rhododendron Display Garden (Union County, New Jersey) Cover

ARS Logo
President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer
Editor A. R. S. Bulletin Editor Year Book
EDWIN ARNTSEN, Seattle, Wash., President Seattle Chapter
MRS. ROBERT BERRY, Aberdeen, Wash., President Grays Harbor Chapter
ROBERT M. BOVEE, Oswego, Ore., Term expires 1963
SIDNEY V. BURNS, Syosset, L. I., N.Y., President New York Chapter
ROY W. CLARK, Olympia, Wash., President Olympia Chapter
M. C. COLLARINO, Seattle, Wash., Term expires 1963
RUSSELL COOVERT, Lakebay, Wash., Term expires 1963, President Tacoma Chapter
E. F. DRAKE, Port Townsend, Wash., President Olympic Peninsula Chapter
WALTER ELLIOTT, Shelton, Wash., President Shelton Chapter
CARL FAWCETT, Tacoma, Wash., Term expires 1964
HENRY FLEMING, Upper Nyack, N.Y., President Tappan Zee Chapter
D. A. FREEMAN, Vancouver, B.C., President Vancouver Chapter
PETER E. GIRARD, SR, Geneva, Ohio, President Great Lake Chapter
GEORGE GRACE, Portland, Ore., Term expires 1964
C. T. HANSEN, Portland, Ore., Term expires 1964
JOHN HENNY, Brooks, Ore., Term expires 1964, President Portland Chapter
DR. LEON J. HEUSER, Princeton, N.J., President Princeton Chapter
MARK HOLEMAN, Indianapolis, Ind., President Indianapolis Chapter
ALFRED F. KELLY, Middletown, N.J., President Mid-Jersey Chapter
L. L. KLOSTERMYER, M.D., Asheville, N.C., President Southeastern Chapter
EDWARD H. LONG, Oakland, Calif., President California Chapter
DONALD MCCLURE, Seattle, Wash., Term expires 1964
DALE. M. C. CURDY, Aurora, Ill., President Midwest Chapter
CARL H. PHETTEPLACE, M.D., Eugene, Ore., Term expires 1963
FRED REED, Wyckoff, N.J., President New Jersey Chapter
HOWARD SLONECKER, Oak Grove, Ore., Term expires 1963
CECIL SMITH, Aurora, Ore., Term expires 1964
MAURICE SUMNER, San Francisco, California, Term expires 1963
MILTON V. WALKER, M.D., Creswell, Ore, Term expires 1963
THOMAS WHEELDON, M.D., Richmond, Va., President Middle Atlantic Chapter
WALES WOOD, St. Helens, Ore., Term expires 1963
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