QBARS - v20n3 New York Chapter Rhododendron Show

New York Chapter Rhododendron Show
May 22, 1966
By Betty Hager

With the usual bloom period about two weeks late this year, we felt very little color would appear at our show at Planting Fields Arboretum, Oyster Bay, L.1., New York. The eighty degree heat of the preceding day plus the torrential rainfall during the night added to our gloom, but twenty-four members responded by combing their gardens for suitable material and we were delighted to see 204 entries. Each exhibitor, including two new entrants, went home with ribbons. The rosette for the 'Best Rhododendron of Show' was awarded to Nathaniel Hess for 'Wheatley', while the "Best Azalea of Show" was 'Dayspring', grown by Edythe G. Griffin. R. carolinianum , entered by Martha and Jordan Prince, won the ribbon for "Best Species of Show." Special awards were given to Howard Phipps who again displayed his remarkable collection of seedlings, and to Leo Nielsen for exceptional table arrangements.
Thanks go to our Show Co-chairmen, Gordon Jones and Dick Murcott, and to our excellent judges, William Bowden, Jerome Eaton, Willet Titus and William Titus. Appreciation is expressed to Paul Vossberg for the plants contributed to our exhibitors' drawing, and many thanks to each and every volunteer who worked on the many phases of the show and who deserve much credit.

  • Lepidote Species, R. carolinianum (best species of show), Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prince.
  • Rhododendron Hybrid, Ironclad, White, 'Boule de Neige', Mr. R. Schill.
  • Rhododendron Hybrid, Catawbiense, Red, Crimson, 'Atrosanguineum', Mr. R. Schill.
  • Rhododendron Hybrid, White, 'Cunningham's White', Mr. Leo A. Nielsen. Low Growing, Pink, 'Conestoga', Mr. Sidney Burns.
  • Low Growing, White, 'Wyanokie', Mr. Alex Summers.
  • Low Growing, Blue, Lavender, Purple, 'Star Sapphire', Mr. Sidney Burns.
  • Other Hybrids, Scarlet, 'Jean Marie de Montague', Mr. Richard C. Bisso.
  • Other Hybrids, Vermilion, 'Lady Bligh', Mr. Nathaniel Hess.
  • Other Hybrids, Blush Pink, 'Faggetter's Favourite', Mr. Nathaniel Hess.
  • Other Hybrids, Deep Pink, 'Hollandia', Mrs. Edythe G. Griffin.
  • Other Hybrids, Pink, Prominent Blotch, 'Dawn's Delight', Mr. Nathaniel Hess.
  • Other Hybrids, Lavender, Lilac, 'Van Nes Sensation', Mr. Nathaniel Hess.
  • Other Hybrids, Yellow, Cream, 'Unique', Mr. F. Eberstadt.
  • Unnamed Seedling, other than Dexters, White or Yellow, R. wardii x dichroanthum x fortunei , Mr. F. Eberstadt.
  • Unnamed seedling, other than Dexters, Pink or Red, Unnamed seedling, Mr. Allan Hall.
  • Unnamed Dexter, Dark Pink and Red, Dexter hybrid, Mrs. Hugo Schlaikj er.
  • Unnamed Dexter, White and Blush Pink, Dexter hybrid, Mr. Alex Summers.
  • Named Dexter Hybrid, White, Blush, Yellow, Apricot, 'Champagne', Mr. Fred Knapp.
  • Named Dexter Hybrid, Pink Shades, 'Wheatley', Best Rhododendron of Show, Mr. Nathaniel Hess.
  • Azalea species, Deciduous, R. schlippenbachii , Mr. R. Eberstadt.
  • Azalea species, Evergreen, R. mucronatum amethystinum , Mr. Robert Emmerich.
  • Mollis Japonica Hybrid, Mollis hybrid, Mr. Robert Schill.
  • Exbury, Knap Hill, Ilam Hybrid, Yellow, Orange, Exbury hybrid, Mr. J. Donald Zimmerman.
  • Kurume Hybrid, 'Coral Bells', Mrs. Edythe G. Griffin.
  • Glenn Dale Hybrid, 'Dayspring', Best Azalea of Show, Mrs. Edythe G. Griffin.
  • Gable Hybrid, 'Flame', Mr. C. A. Glover.
  • Kaempferi Hybrid, 'Fedora', Mr. Leo A. Nielsen.
  • Special Class for New Exhibitors. Evergreen Azalea Hybrid, 'Rose Greeley', Mrs. F. Sadlier Dinger.
  • Special Award Certificates
  • Mr. Howard Phipps, for outstanding collection of Dexter seedlings
  • Mr. Leo A. Nielsen, for table arrangements.