QBARS - v23n1 'Pink Pearl'

"Pink Pearl" or
"How I Arrived at Full Circle"

The drums did roll! The pipes did skirl!

I discovered "Pink Pearl"!

I "arrived"!

For this affair I won't atone

I fell for 'reds' - "Earl of Athlone",

"Unknown Warrior", "Cavalcade",

"Mars" and "Leo" on parade!

I'd "arrived"!

The yellow rhodies 'got' me next

"Virginia Scott" - "Marcia' - "Crest"!

I'd "arrived"!

The species bug then caught me napping;

With their names my lips were flapping

Taliense, calophytum,

Macrophyllum, impeditum,

Fortunei, yakushimanum,

Makinoi, kiusianum!

I'd "arrived"!

S.O.P. is hybridizing,

Starting off with pollinizing;

Counting chromosomes and scales;

Watching seedlings grow like snails,

Waiting for that breathless hour

When "my masterpiece" would flower!

I'd "arrived"!

But now as I stare down the rows,

I turn away and hold my nose!

They may be growing as they should

But now "Pink Pearl" looks awfully good!

- Marjorie Baird