QBARS - v27n4 A Plea for Organization of American Rhododendron Society Breeder's Associations

A Plea for Organization of A.R.S. Breeder's Associations
B. C. Potter, Port Ewen, New York

The Rhododendron Breeders Round Table May 27, 1973 Pittsburgh, Pa., certainly drew a large attendance proving there is considerable interest in breeding rhododendrons. This aroused interest may well be the result of scholarly insight of the subject matter presented by Maurice Sumner to the Annual Meeting in 1972 and later in the January 1973 Bulletin, No. 1, Vol. 27 for all to read.
It was my hope that the proposal as set forth by Sumner would be adopted at the Breeders Round Table. It is not my intention to be critical of the meeting for it was well conducted, lively, and interesting. Unintentional, as it may be, the Sumner proposal, as interpreted by the writer, was not acted upon, nor its concept considered. It would seem that a more workable approach to the Sumner proposal would be to divide the country into four parts that would permit Breeders Associations in the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Mid West and Pacific Coast etc. Each of these districts have differing environments to cope with that must be recognized.
Each of these Associations could be sponsored by the chapters within the district. Annual membership dues could be $10 more or less as needs indicate. This could provide for a recording secretary and supplies. In this approach we could implement a meaningful effort to follow the Sumner proposal. Each of these Associations could send a member or more to the Annual Meeting equipped with a progress report for the Round Table Meeting. This would permit the officers of the A.R.S. to compile and utilize this information in a way that would benefit the Society. These thoughts are passed on with the hope that others will contribute their thoughts to the subject including chapter presidents.
In closing I would suggest that serious minded Rhododendron Breeders Associations could easily open doors that would otherwise remain closed.