QBARS - v35n2 Book Review: Rhododendrons 1980-81

Ed Egan, Portland, OR

published by The Royal Horticultural Society

The 1980-81 issue of Rhododendrons with Magnolias and Camellias contains many interesting articles. Derek Fox described his trek through western Sikkim with an account of the plant life he encountered and the occasional seed he collected. Mr. R. J. Savige, President of the International Camellia Society, describes his visit to Omei Shan or Mount Emei in western China where Wilson and Forrest collected.
Stephen Haw describes the search for a yellow flowered camellia and his tour to China where he saw C. chrysantha , a yellow camellia in Kunming; and Dr. Challinor Davies writes about the condition of the garden when he arrived at Pejenick and his attempts to identify and restore many of the plants.
There are many other interesting articles including one by Isobyl La Croix on a 1980 Cornish tour; a camellia pilgrimage to Japan by H. J. Tooby; a biography of Sir Eric Savill by H. G. Hillier; Mr. Cyril Barnes writes about R. pronum grown from seed collected by Forrest. Mr. R. B. Cooke planted the seed in 1932 and the plant bloomed for the first time in May 1979.
As usual, the main rhododendron and camellia shows in London are described and details are given of plants which received awards at the London shows and after trial at Wisley. There is also the usual long list of additions to the International Rhododendron Register, mainly from the western hemisphere.