JARS 43n2 - In Memoriam: Don F. Dixon

In Memoriam: Don F. Dixon
Ben Briggs
Lacey Washington

Don Dixon died November 19, 1988, just shy of his 74th birthday. He and his wife Bunty retired to Fawn Lake, near Shelton, Washington, in 1979 after Don's busy career as a manufacturer's representative in the packaging field. They chose an undeveloped lakeside lot and, soon after moving into their new house, started their garden which became the special feature of their home. In this, rhododendrons played an important role and soon bedding plants for summer color were being supplied from a small greenhouse.
Don and Bunty joined the Shelton Chapter, ARS and entered into its activities enthusiastically. Don served as our program chairman, president, director, and publicity chairman. He also joined several other chapters to be aware of what they were doing.
Through activity in district affairs - he played an important part in the success of the regional meeting at Ocean Shores in 1987 - and loyal support of the Rhododendron Species Foundation, he became acquainted with many rhododendron people throughout the Northwest.
We all miss this friendly, enthusiastic, and generous man who knew and loved plants.