JARS v48n4 - Commentary: Bis Dat Qui Cito Dat

Commentary: Bis Dat Qui Cito Dat*
Austin C. Kennell
Afton, Virginia

If you haven't already heard about it, there's a lead-pipe cinch to make your money go farther and get more for it. It's so simple! There's no form to fill out. No small print to decipher. No age limits. No waiting period. No hidden costs. Well, that part about hidden costs is not exactly true. There is a 29-cent postal cost.
All you have to do is to make a contribution to the American Rhododendron Society's Endowment Fund. That's all there is to it. No minimum, no maximum. From then on, your contribution does all the work.
You see, your contribution is invested and only its earnings can be used to help the ARS. So your contribution works and keeps on working - not just this year, nor just the next decade, nor for the next century, but for as long as the ARS exists. So that's really farther in my book.
But timelessness is not the only unusual attribute of your contribution. Your contribution can do things that affect not only you but all the members of your chapter - all the members in all the chapters in the ARS and even all the folks who join the ARS in the years to come. Now that's getting more for your money.
More and more members and chapters are already making contributions - some more than once and others on a regular basis. Donations are being given in memory of others or to the Endowment Fund in lieu of speaker honorariums. Conventions and conferences have shared their profits. Plant and book sales produce contributions.
Every contribution helps to put us closer to financial stability. Every donation makes dues increases less likely. Every contribution may lead to additional and improved services to members.
Next year - 1995 - the ARS celebrates its 50th year. What would be a better way to say "Happy Birthday" to our grand old Society than to contribute to the Endowment Fund $1.00 for each year you've been a member. I don't know of a more deserving recipient or one who will put the gifts to a better use.

* He gives twice who gives promptly.