QBARS - v4n2 Cover Article

Cover Article

The illustration on the cover is R. 'White Pearl'. This rhododendron received an Award of Merit in 1906, and has been a favorite wherever it has been grown. The flower buds come out a blush and fade to pure white. The plant never attained the popularity of R. 'Pink Pearl', and consequently has not been displayed as frequently in gardens. With the adoption of the new cover each of the succeeding issues of the Quarterly Bulletin of the American Rhododendron Society will contain a different illustration. An index of contents will be found on the inside of the cover, and pages will be numbered consecutively, so that a continuity of succession may be applied for members who wish to bind the Bulletins. The American Rhododendron Society wishes to express its thanks to the Hicks, Chatten Engraving Co. and especially to Mr. Bob Bovee for their donation of the cover plates.