JARS v50n3 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards

Catherine Fanucchi
Catherine Fanucchi joined the Eureka Chapter in 1985. For the next ten years she served as our club treasurer and became involved in every event. Each year the City of Eureka stages a Rhododendron Festival, and the Society stages a truss show and plant sale. Catherine's energy created a plant sale which the entire community has come to look forward to each year. She not only organized the sale but has housed the plants before and after the sales, often extending into the next year. Repotting and keeping the plants in perfect condition have been a part of Catherine's dedication to the club. The bottles used for the trusses at shows are a by-product of Catherine's popular local Italian restaurant. She houses all of our event materials from year to year. From the Friday night setup to the last trash bag out on Sunday, Catherine has been a source of energy and spirit for the club. Her own exquisite entries in the shows have brought many an award to her well-earned efforts, and her garden stands as an inspiration to all of the group, as she generously opens it to the Society. When the Eureka Chapter staged the Western Regional Conference here, Catherine was at the helm of the plant sale arena. Our community now stages a landscape show, and from the beginning, Catherine has been there to participate. For these consistent and unfailing contributions, we honor her with this distinguished award.

Jerry Reynolds
As a professional journalist and instructor of journalism and computer science at our local university, Jerry Reynolds possesses special talents which he has generously chosen to share with the Eureka Chapter. Editing, publishing and circulating our beautiful monthly newsletter is but one of Jerry's contributions to the chapter. His organizational skills were the magic that made our Western Regional Conference run so smoothly. He chairs our annual truss show and publishes the schedule. As chapter secretary he keeps professional records for the chapter, and no member is ever without a welcome badge at the meetings. The monthly raffles bring in a constant flow of revenue as Jerry quietly works in the background. We thank Jerry for his dedication of time and skill, which has brought a greater quality of excellence to our chapter, and we honor him by presenting him with the Bronze Medal.

Anne Perry and John Perry
The Maine Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to present the Bronze Medal Awards to both Anne Perry and John Perry, in recognition of their continuous dedication to the chapter. Anne and John have quietly and seriously taken on many tedious, yet vital tasks. Anne diligently served as both corresponding and membership secretary for many years and still works as the Maine Chapter's membership secretary. John's bookkeeping skills as treasurer helped insure the chapter's health and stability during the early, formative years. John also organized the first Van Veen plant sale for members, a crucial and now annual fundraiser. Anne and John have always been there to pitch in as a team, working on every chapter project since they joined the chapter, helping with our long-term success. The Main Chapter thanks you for your dedication and commitment.

Pat Jefferson
The Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society is pleased to present the Bronze Medal to Pat Jefferson in appreciation of your efforts in forming our Chapter and for setting high standards for the directors' positions you held. Your enthusiasm and participation in our Society's events and day to day activities are exemplary.

Dr. Leonard Miller
The Ozark Chapter was largely founded by the work of Dr. Leonard Miller. He has served as our president since our first meeting in 1989. He has kept all of us together and given our chapter a direction and purpose. He currently serves as an ARS District Director. Leonard Miller has devoted his time and energy and money in promoting rhododendrons in Oklahoma. He has been growing rhododendrons for over 20 years and helped many of us to overcome the difficulties of our climate. He's been on numerous television shows and news programs in which he shared his knowledge of growing rhododendrons in Oklahoma. Now even his private gardens are open to the public, as it is a part of the Oklahoma Botanical Society. Over 300 named varieties of rhododendrons are on display for the public. The Ozark Chapter wishes to show our gratitude to Dr. Miller for his years of service to the Society by awarding him the Bronze Medal.

Amby Schultz
The Pilchuck Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society takes a great deal of pleasure in presenting its highest award, the Bronze Medal, to Amby Schultz. We owe the founding of the Pilchuck Chapter to Amby, who worked tirelessly for many months researching, organizing, recruiting members, writing by-laws and designing systems. Not only did he serve as president but he also wrote, edited and published the chapter newsletter and has been serving as "temporary" membership chairman for a number of years adding many new members to our group. He organized our annual Rhododendron Flower Exhibit and plant sale to benefit the chapter and generate public interest in the genus. He sets the good example of volunteerism in his willingness to take on tough projects and assist in many ways. He is past-president of the Komo Kulshan Chapter and maintains associate membership in most of the local chapters in District 2. Above all, we appreciate and treasure his sharp wit and gentle humor.

Maria Stewart
You have quietly and faithfully served the Portland Chapter by serving as the chapter secretary, by helping run the classification area during the Mother's Day show and by working in plant sales. Your willingness to joyfully step forward has greatly contributed to the success of the chapter. We are most appreciative of your organizational skills and tireless hours of work as you co-chaired the American Rhododendron Society's 50th Annual Convention Celebration held in Portland in 1995. Through your efforts, this highly successful event will long be remembered as a major highlight in our chapter's history. In appreciation of your many contributions, the Portland Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is proud to award its highest honor, the Bronze Medal, to Maria Stewart. May 16, 1996.

Bill Ferguson
We appreciate your efforts, interest, and enthusiasm in furthering the success of the American Rhododendron Society. When you first came to Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden you began to unobtrusively deadhead the rhododendrons. As your involvement increased we have come to appreciate you as a friendly, contributing member of the volunteer group at the garden. As a member of the Master Planning Group for Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden, you tirelessly attended meetings, took notes, and prepared excellent minutes. Your writing skills were also evident as you helped prepare the final plan for the garden and grant applications for the benefit of Crystal Springs. You currently serve as secretary and financial record keeper for the Friends of Crystal Springs. You also serve as registrar and editor of the Friends Bulletin Update. In recognition of these and other services performed so willingly, the Portland Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is proud to award its highest honor, the Bronze Medal, to Bill Ferguson.

Karen Cavender
We appreciate your many years of service as an active member of the Portland Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society and your willingness to help whenever needed. As hospitality chairperson, you have faithfully and conscientiously organized the members who provide treats at the chapter meetings. You have been generous with your thanks to those who help. You have also freely donated your time and energy to the Cecil and Molly Smith Garden. You have spent long hours working to maintain the garden, organize tours, and greet visitors on open garden days. For your faithful service and cheerful support the Portland Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to award its highest honor, the Bronze Medal, to Karen Cavender. May 16, 1996

Roger Cook
His efforts on behalf of the ARS and our chapter were, and continue to be, outstanding. These include serving for several years as Flower Show chairman, for three years as president, and tenure on the chapter's Board of Directors. He has spearheaded efforts to improve the Chapter Display Garden, has served as ARS budget chairman, and as chairman of the 1995 Northeast Regional Conference held at Princeton. He has consistently participated in all chapter activities and for more then twenty years has contributed to its growth, prosperity and reputation. We present this medal with affection and warmest appreciation. March 17, 1996.

Eileen and Henry McKenny
The Siuslaw Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is proud to recognize your contributions to our chapter. There is little doubt you are afflicted with the malady rhododendronitus. The love and care you give to your garden is equaled by your support of our organization. You have housed visitors from foreign lands, provided your home for many various meetings. You have been a constant source of information for those of us less knowledgeable of rhododendrons. Your support and assistance during our flower shows, helping set up the display, greeting visitors, clerking, judging or helping clean up is steadfast and constant. You have donated time and assistance at conventions, garden tours, cleanup parties, picnics and regular meetings. You both have been leaders in directing our efforts in establishing Gallaghers Park. With appreciation and affection, we present you, Eileen and Henry McKenny, with the Bronze Medal Award on December 2, 1995.

Tom Drake
The Siuslaw Chapter proudly presents the Bronze Medal Award to Tom Drake. We present this award in recognition of the time and effort you have freely given to our region and our chapter. Your work as a district alternate, your help at annual meetings and conventions, your tireless work in the South coast, as well as the Siuslaw Chapter, is appreciated. Tom has also promoted the genus Rhododendron with plant donations, sharing of his propagation techniques, garden tours, acting as a show judge, and being a source of information and advice to the novice. Tom was instrumental in our first steps to begin renovation of the Hinsdale Garden at Spruce Reach. In gratitude for your service and appreciation of your efforts, we recognize your contributions, on this second day of December in the year Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-five.