JARS v55n4 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards

Dr. Michael S. Bale
At the center of almost every activity of Fraser South Rhododendron Society you will find Mike Bale, either as instigator or enthusiastic supporter. He has been incredibly generous to our club and its members. Videotapes of many of our programmes have been taken by Mike and made available to members. Mike's enthusiasm is infectious, his tour organization legendary, and his own garden an ongoing labour of art and beauty. It is as a small token of our enormous gratitude to Mike that we are pleased to present to him the ARS Bronze Medal. June 2001.

Albert J. Muller
The New York Chapter is pleased to award the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society to Albert J. Muller. You have supported the efforts of the Society and our chapter in serving capably and cheerfully in many capacities. You have been intimately involved in the activities of the chapter. You have chaired the Public Education and Publicity committees for a number of years, contributed greatly to the operation of our Annual Plant Sales and manned our information booth at Planting Fields Arboretum Fall Garden Shows. You have represented the chapter as a lecturer and flower show judge, contributed numerous articles to the New York Chapter newsletter and the ARS journal. You were and are currently a member of the board of directors and served the chapter as vice president and president. In recognition of your many contributions, we are pleased to honor you for your devotion and service to the New York Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society. June 1, 2001.

Dave Collier
Your enthusiastic service and leadership have greatly benefited the Portland Chapter, American Rhododendron Society, and its members. You have demonstrated a willingness to help whenever called upon. Your conscientious performance is evident on all projects undertaken. You have provided outstanding service to the Portland Chapter serving as vice-president, president, and chairman of the Early and Mother's Day shows. Your accomplishments include arranging fine programs with excellent speakers for chapter meetings and dedicating much time and effort to the chapter's very successful plant sales. For these exceptional contributions the Portland Chapter is proud to award the Bronze Medal to Dave Collier. May 17, 2001.

Hazel Tarpley
The Seattle Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is proud of and grateful to Hazel Tarpley for her outstanding service and her willingness to use her expertise on our behalf. She served for many years as treasurer for the SRS and more recently as treasurer for the Meerkerk Gardens. The job of treasurer requires a great deal of financial knowledge and responsibility. She brought willingness and enthusiasm to the position, plus a liberal share of good humor. Hazel has shared advice, ideas and supported the SRS Board of Directors' efforts to guide the chapter. She has participated in our many activities, worked to make our shows successful and enlivened our social occasions. She was awarded a Bronze Medal in 1993 and now in 2001 the Seattle Rhododendron Society would like to honor Hazel Tarpley again for her years of service and loyalty by awarding her the Double Bronze Medal.