JARS v57n4 - From the Editor

From the Editor
Sonja Nelson
Mount Vernon, Washington

The ARS depends on volunteers to keep the organization up and running. The Journal is no exception. Volunteer writers, photographers and technical reviewers are vital for publication of our quarterly magazine. Since the year 2000, I have had the opportunity to work with another type of volunteer - a computer specialist. Jack Root took on the task of designing a computer system and upgrading the computer equipment in the Journal office. This would have been a monumental job in itself but, at my request and with Board consent, Jack went on to design a computer system for pre-press color work, including color scanning and color management. He generously set up the system in his own home office for research and experimentation, investing in both software and hardware. The goal was to achieve high quality in color reproduction without relying on a professional pre-press color shop. By the summer 2003 issue, he achieved this goal, and his scans were used in that issue. Jack proved he could approximate the color quality of photographs in previous Journal issues. This was no small feat! He worked long hours and many months for this successful result and became quite expert with Mac computers and scanning equipment and programs. I, for one, thank him for his tenacity and generosity. I also thank him for his willingness to share with me his technical discoveries and, equally, his willingness to maintain the computer system in my office he had designed and to archive journal computer files. Along with so many other volunteers, Jack deserves our utmost gratitude.