JARS v62n3 - In Memoriam: Jean Furman

In Memoriam: Jean Furman
Peg Van Patton

On December 14, 2007, one of our dear members, Jean Furman, died quietly at her home in Bridgewater, New Jersey. Many of us knew Jean for her love of photography and her prize-winning compositions featuring rhododendrons and azaleas. In fact, photographs of her garden can be seen in Sonja Nelson's book Rhododendrons in the Landscape . Jean was also an important part of the 1996 NERC Convention where she was in charge of the photo show and competition. With admirable skill she made sure that each and every entry was perfectly mounted and displayed. On more than one occasion, she participated as a speaker at our monthly meetings demonstrating how to take prize-winning photos. In addition, she loved alpine rock gardening and took enormous pleasure in planting small rock garden treasures in the many troughs she made. Quiet, unassuming, talented, Jean was trained as a chemist with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Colby College and a Master's from Pratt Institute. We shall all miss her indeed.