Dr. Lawton C. Thomas passed away on Wednesday, November 5, 2008. Dr. Tommy, as he was affectionately known
to every current and past member of the Tappan Zee Chapter, lived a long and interesting life for over 91
years. He is survived by his wife, Virginia, and three sons.
He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Dental School in 1940, served in the United States Army,
and then practiced dentistry in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, until his retirement in 1981.
When he first became interested in rhododendrons, he constructed a cold frame in his yard and started
propagating plants. As a member of the Tappan Zee Chapter for over 35 years, this gentle, generous, mild
mannered man rooted and donated hundreds of plants to our chapter. He became an invaluable asset to the
success of the chapter by allowing the use of his yard and barn as a staging area for our annual plant sale.
Tommy inaugurated the Tappan Zee Chapter's annual large-scale flower shows held at the McFaul Environmental
Center, in Wyckoff, N.J., and facilitated the project by storing all of the necessary equipment in his barn.
In recognition of his dedicated service, he received Tappan Zee's highest award, the Bronze Medal.
Over the years he became a prolific source of plants for individual members. In addition to many different
varieties of rhododendrons, Tommy also propagated other types of plants and, with his eagerness to share
his knowledge, he inspired many members to try different kinds of plants. It was our practice to sell
leftovers from the annual sale at his house, and most people would ask for Dr. Tommy's plants first. To
this day it would be difficult to find Tappan Zee members who do not have a plant started by Tommy
in their gardens. The proverb says "He who plants a garden plants happiness," and Tommy has sown
happiness in scores of gardens.