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Journal of Career and Technical Education

  • Journal of Career and Technical Education

    Now open for submissions
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About this journal

The Journal of Career and Technical Education is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal, publishing papers on issues and trends in career and technical education. The scope of the journal includes research reports conducted in the context of academic and career/technical education integration, agricultural education, business education, technology education, family and consumer sciences, and other related disciplines. The journal seeks submissions of manuscripts based on empirical research, quantitative and qualitative, contributing to the body of knowledge about the organization, implementation, and outcomes of programs and practices in career and technical education.


  • Call for Papers

    The Journal of Career and Technical Education is currently soliciting submissions for papers on a wide range of issues and trends in career and technical education. The journal seeks submissions of manuscripts reporting research featuring quantitative or qualitative research methods. Reviews of literature conducted as a research method are also accepted. Topics of interest should represent issues and practices in the context of academic and career/technical education integration, agricultural education, business education, technology education, family and consumer sciences, and other related disciplines. Manuscripts contributing to the body of knowledge about the organization, implementation, and outcomes of programs and practices in career and technical education are of particular interest.

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