JDC - Editorial Board

Journal of Design Communication
Editorial Board


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Editorial Review Board

KATHY ALEXANDER, University of Texas-Austin
GU DAQING, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
WEI DONG, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
RICHARD HELMICK, University of Missouri-Columbia
EKATERINI VLAHOS, University of Colorado
BRADLEY WHITNEY, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
PAT LINDSEY, East Carolina University
PAUL LASEAU, Ball State University
KIRBY LOCKARD,  University of Arizona
RANDALL OTT, Colorado University
CELINE PINET, West Walley College
BOB SCHUBERT, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
MARK VON WODKE, California Polytechnic Institute--Pomona
THOMAS M. LESKO, Wentworth Institute of Technology
ANNALESE BISCHOFF, University of Massachusetts
NAN BLAKE, University of Texas

Note: See History for previous editorial boards.

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