JITE: Internet Accesses Fiscal Years 99-00 to 00-01

The Journal of Industrial Teacher Education

Request Type FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
Successful requests 174,860 362,830 107%
Distinct files requested 271 497 83%
Distinct hosts served 40,181 52,368 30%
Domain FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
.com 52,039 78,181 50%
.edu 32,965 51,630 57%
.gov 357 832 133%
.mil 969 2,369 144%
.net 28,902 60,246 108%
.org 1,564 2,471 58%
.us 3,315 7,438 124%
Country FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
Argentina * 335 *
Australia 2,340 5,234 -3%
Austria * 249 4,885%
Belgium 344 598 -15%
Botswana 105 * -82%
Brazil 293 550 *
Canada 3,373 6,707 *
Croatia * 161 *
Cyprus * 164 56%
Czech Republic * 173 *
Denmark 103 456 73%
Dominican Republic * 216 42%
Egypt 100 159 -49%
Finland 321 662 -90%
France 421 835 190%
Germany 1,517 33,912 86%
Greece 228 748 *
Hong Kong 448 667 *
Iceland * 234 44%
India * 218 87%
Indonesia 463 764 -57%
Ireland 125 497 211%
Israel 507 928 -29%
Italy 246 363 *
Japan 699 2,197 -87%
Country FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
Jordan * 287 *
Malaysia 2,872 4,619 -23%
Mauritius * 115 926%
Mexico 371 780 -74%
Netherlands 450 689 *
New Zealand 443 1,130 *
Norway * 208 326%
Philippines * 263 -34%
Poland 265 259 *
Portugal 316 733 *
Romania * 104 79%
Russia * 753 -85%
Saudi Arabia 409 566 106%
Singapore 687 1,552 177%
South Africa 365 563 376%
South Korea 204 * 76%
Spain 326 823 *
Sweden 319 471 61%
Switzerland 122 228 46%
Taiwan 510 821 13%
Thailand 323 811 193%
Trinidad and Tobago 201 281 -46%
Turkey 280 1,139 *
United Kingdom 1,511 5,279 *
Venezuela * 136 *