Spectrum - Volume 19 Issue 09 October 24, 1996 - Staff Senate hears about self study, delayed pay

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year

Staff Senate hears about self study, delayed pay

Spectrum Volume 19 Issue 09 - October 24, 1996

At its October meeting, Staff Senate heard a report from self-study director David Conn on the university self-study process. Conn outlined the timeline and procedures to be followed in the self-study process. He assured staff members that they will be involved in review of documents and other materials relevant to the study.

In business session, the senate discussed the issue of delayed paychecks for state employees. President Spencer Allen reported that, even though Del. Jim Shuler and other area legislators are sponsoring legislation to eliminate the delay, there may not be enough legislative support state-wide to prevent the General Assembly from implementing the plan. He also reminded the senate that the timing of the delay makes it difficult for the legislative body to make changes in the plan, because they do not meet again for a regularly scheduled session until just before the delay is scheduled to go into effect.

Dee Lee told the senate that state employees who are members of VGEA should contact that organization's legislative liaison in Richmond to express disapproval of the delayed-paycheck plan. Another senator emphasized that VGEA does not represent all state employees; it is designed specifically to represent its dues-paying members.

A motion was made and carried that the Staff Senate Executive Committee select a senate officer to join VGEA and to report the group's activities to the senate on a regular basis.