Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, March 5, 1990                   TAG: 9003052035
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: COLLEGE PARK, MD.                                 LENGTH: Medium


The University of Maryland will be banned from postseason play this year and in 1991 under NCAA sanctions against the men's basketball program, a published report said Sunday.

School officials have called a news conference for today at 11 a.m. University President William E. Kirwan will discuss the penalties imposed by the NCAA Committee on Infractions.

"We got blown away," an unidentified source told The (Baltimore) Sun. The university had expected only to be banned from postseason play this year.

In addition, NCAA sanctions also include a ban from television next season, and the university also likely will have to return the $479,000 it received for reaching the second round of the NCAA tournament in 1988, the Sun said.

Other sanctions probably will include a reduction in scholarships and limitations on off-campus recruiting visits, the paper said.

However, an NCAA ban does not affect the Terrapins' appearance in the Atlantic Coast Conference Tournament.

Coach Gary Williams, athletic director Lew Perkins and Kirwan would not comment on the report. David Berst, the NCAA's assistant executive director for enforcement, declined to comment until after the penalties are announced.

The Suns' sources cited a lack of institutional control as the primary reason the program was hit hard.

One source said the NCAA believed the university's problems started when the school hired former coach Bob Wade without the benefit of a proper search.

Among the more serious violations against Wade were providing a leased car, cash payments of $272 and rides for former Terrapins guard Rudy Archer before, during and after his one-season stay in College Park; giving free and discounted clothing to Alonzo Mourning and Brian Williams while they were being recruited; providing false and misleading information to NCAA investigators, and trying to get his assistant coaches to provide false and misleading information.

Wade also was unavailable for comment.

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