Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 18, 1990                   TAG: 9003161845
SOURCE: compiled by Lynn A. Coyle
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


\ Joseph H. Vipperman, president of Appalachian Power Co., has been elected to the board of directors of Dominion Bank.

Vipperman joined the American Electric Power System as an electrical engineer with Appalachian in Roanoke.

Transferred to the Ohio headquarters in 1970, Vipperman returned to Roanoke last fall as Appalachian's executive vice president. He became chief operating officer in January.

A graduate of Virginia Tech, he received his master's in industrial management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

\ JAMES MICHAEL DUNCAN, university distinguished professor at Virginia Tech, has won the American Society of Civil Engineers 1989 Arthur M. Wellington Prize. His winning paper, titled "Differential Settlement in Steel Tanks," shows how tanks can be re-evaluated for potential problems and repaired.

\ DONNA BOYD has been named Virginia regional property manager for Landmark Capital Corp. of Nashville, Tenn. She is responsible for four shopping centers based in Central and Southwestern Virginia, including Towne Square Shopping Center and Hunting Hills Plaza, both in Roanoke, and The Market Place in Christiansburg. She was formerly executive secretary/coordinator of the Multiple Listing Service of Roanoke Valley, Inc.

\ TOM STUCKEY of JPBD & Associates has received a national Merit Award from Barnett International, a manufacturer of hunting and recreational products. He was one of only five people nationwide to receive this award for outstanding sales and promotion of Barnett products.

\ BETSY L. DANIEL has been promoted to assistant vice president of First Virginia Bank's Southwest Operations Center, Inc. She is manager of the Loan Operations Group for the southwest region. Daniel, who joined the bank in 1978, was previously a loan operations officer.\ David B. Smith and\ N. Vernon Hudson have been promoted to operations officer at First Virginia. Smith, who transferred to Roanoke in 1989, assists the regional executive officer and manager of the Southwest Operations Center. He joined the bank in 1985 as a management trainee. Hudson joined First Virginia in 1973. He is responsible for the mail room, record retention and regional supply room. He was previously a loan officer and collections manager.

\ L. JOANNE GARNETT and\ CONRAD V. SHROADES have been promoted to assistant vice president at Dominion Bank. Garnett is manager of the Recovery Department. She joined Dominion in 1974 and has held several positions in collections. Shroades, an adjustment manager, is responsible for consumer loan collection.\ James C. Valentour has been elected consumer loan officer. Valentour, currently repossession manager, joined Dominion in 1987 as an assistant in the mail services department.

\ JAMES E. DOSS, formerly of Roanoke, has been promoted to special project technology manager of Tennessee Eastman Co. in Kingsport, Tenn. He was director of engineering technology.

 by CNB