Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 18, 1990                   TAG: 9003212474
SECTION: HOMES                    PAGE: D4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Spring. Like it or not, it's the time of year when homeowners will start thinking about termites. From mid-March in the south through early June farther north, reports of termite "swarms" begin.

A house often is the largest investment most people will make so choosing a service to solve the termite problem is an important step. First, if you're not sure the insects you see are termites, catch a couple and put them in a jar and call at least three pest control companies for inspections and bids, says, Dr. George Rambo, R.P.E., director of research, education and technical resources for the National Pest Control Association (NPCA).

Very likely, the bids and prices will be different as well as the recommended methods of treatment, Rambo says. Providing blueprints of the house will make the inspector's job easier, more precise and maybe cheaper.

Rambo offers a few tips on choosing a pest control company:

Check a company's reputation through the Better Business Bureau or a local consumer protection agency.

Find out it the company is licensed and certified by the state and if its technicians are certified, too.

The inspector's bid should include: What needs to be done; where it will be done; how it will be done; what product will be applied.

Ask for and examine product labels.

The bid should come with a warranty, which often differs from company to company. Questions to ask: What is the cost of the warranty? Is it included in the price of the job or is it based on an annual fee?

Also check what the warranty covers. Does it cover the cost of retreatment, and does it include the cost of repairs for new damage if termites reinfest? Can it happen to me?

 by CNB