Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, March 23, 1990 TAG: 9003232942 SECTION: NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL PAGE: A-4 EDITION: EVENING SOURCE: Associated Press DATELINE: MADISON, WIS. LENGTH: Short
Sen. Russell Feingold, the bill's sponsor, said if Thompson signs the bill, Wisconsin will become the first state to enact a ban in the genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, or BGH, that is injected in cows to make them give milk.
"This has been a long, hard battle," said Feingold, a Democrat from Middleton. "We won. We are sending a loun and clear message to the governor that we don't want unlabeled BGH out there."
The governor said after the Legislature adjourned its session Thursday that "I am not ready to say what I am going to veto or sign."