Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, March 27, 1990                   TAG: 9003270180
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: EVENING 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Virginia athletic director Jim Copeland requested and was granted permission Monday to speak with Xavier of Ohio basketball coach Pete Gillen concerning UVa's search for a successor to Terry Holland.

"I did hear from Jim Copeland this morning," Xavier athletic director Jeff Fogelsen said. "They were supposed to at least talk by telephone today."

Holland recently resigned after 16 seasons to become the athletic director at his alma mater, Davidson.

Neither Copeland nor Gillen was in his office Monday. Gillen will leave Wednesday for Denver, site of the NCAA Tournament Final Four, and he will fly to Japan this weekend to coach an all-star team.

"I think he's interested enough to talk and I would not discourage him," Fogelsen said.

"I read somewhere that Pete was the leading candidate, [but] I got the distinct impression from Jim Copeland that there are a number of candidates."

Gillen, 42, is in his fifth year at Xavier and took the Musketeers to the round of 16 this season. He has been an assistant at Notre Dame, Villanova, VMI and Hawaii.

In other developments concerning the Virginia vacancy, several sources indicated that the Cavaliers are not seriously pursuing Texas coach Tom Penders.

"I have not heard his name mentioned," one said.

Also, California athletic director Dave Maggard said Virginia has not contacted him requesting permission to speak with coach Lou Campanelli, who went to California from James Madison.

"I met with Lou around the middle of last week and he told me at that time that he had not heard from Virginia," Maggard said.

 by CNB