Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, March 27, 1990                   TAG: 9003270226
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


An owner of the Roanoke City Market Antiques Mall says plans to relocate the mall to the former Wright Furniture building have stalled, and the project is endangered.

Roland "Spanky" Macher, who owns the Antiques Mall with his brother, Richard Macher, said he has scaled down plans to renovate the Wright building and that even the smaller plan is in jeopardy.

Macher, his brother and mother, Shakie Macher, operate a chain of Macado's and Spanky's restaurants. Macher said they are considering opening a restaurant in Salem, and that also has been a factor in deciding what to do about the mall relocation. Spanky Macher said his brother and mother "want to hold off on the project."

The Antiques Mall opened in the old A&P building in mid-1989. After controversial negotiations, Roanoke bought the building from the Machers for $425,000. The Machers paid $200,000 for it.

The city plans to raze the building to make way for an office building-parking garage planned by Charlotte developer Henry Faison.

"We haven't made any money at the A&P building," said Macher, who recently announced he will run for City Council.

"We're in the restaurant business. We do that very well, but we haven't given the Antiques Mall a year yet, so we don't know the [seasonal aspects] of it. We don't know the trend of that business yet."

Macher said the Wright building is costing his family $1,700 a month. He estimated that the Wright renovation will cost $700,000.

He said originally they were to vacate the A&P building site by July 20, but Macher said he now hopes they can stay through Labor Day.

The Wright building is next to Marketplace Center, which David Saunders and Richard Wells are renovating for office and retail space.


Published correction ran on Mar. 30, 1990\ Clarification

The Antiques Mall in the old A&P building on the Roanoke City Market likely can stay at its present site through Labor Day, according to Roland Macher, one of the owners. Because of deletions made by a copy editor in a story in Tuesday morning's editions, the headline and story may have given the impression the mall might close soon.

Macher said that plans to renovate the Wright Furniture building on the market as a new location for the Antiques Mall have stalled because not all of the family members who own it are in agreement. The A&P building is to be razed to make way for an office building-parking garage. Macher said he still hopes to make arrangements for the mall to continue operation.

Memo: Correction

by CNB