Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, March 27, 1990                   TAG: 9003272066
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Tammy Poole
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Q: Last May, I paid $42 for information about airline positions from a Colorado company called Travel Careers. The ad was in the Roanoke Times & World-News.

I purchased the information for my wife. I was told that if my wife did not get or decided not to take a position, the money would be refunded.

When the information arrived, it was a package containing application forms from various airlines and a letter stating that refund requests could be made only after six months.

My wife applied for a variety of the positions, but did not get a job. She found employment elsewhere. Six months later, I sent back everything we received for a refund.

Instead of a refund, I received more letters citing reasons that would prevent refunds from being issued. Please help us. - S. Nauman, Fincastle

A: Quickline contacted Travel Careers in Lakewood, Colo., about your inquiry.

Kelley Politza, a company spokesperson said your refund was denied because your wife did not send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Travel Careers once a month during the six months in order to receive listings of current job openings that she could have applied for. Politza said that instruction was included in the initial information you obtained from the company.

The monthly response, along with updates on an applicant's job-search activity, assures Travel Careers that the applicant has put forth minimal effort in obtaining airline employment for six months. "Thereafter, we will refund the initial charge," Politza said.

"On Jan. 8, 1990, we returned all of the information that the Nauman's returned to us, consisting of five applications, a May 1989 update, and the informational packet," Politza said in a letter to Quickline.

"Along with this information, I included the refund letter, with the written guarantee/refund policy highlighted, so that there is no confusion in procedure for a refund . . . The Naumans have the Travel Career information/application package. Under these conditions, Travel Careers does not feel the written guarantee/refund policy should be waivered," she wrote.

Quickline helps consumers get service, information and refunds of more than $25. Mail complaints, questions to Quickline, Roanoke Times & World-News, Box 2491, Roanoke name, address, phone number and photocopies of documents such as canceled checks, receipts or credit-card statements. Documents cannot be returned; complaints cannot be taken by phone. Questions not selected for use in the column will not be answered personally.

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