Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, March 27, 1990                   TAG: 9003272176
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: DENVER                                LENGTH: Medium


Carl Scheer resigned as president and general manager of the Charlotte Hornets on Monday to return to the Denver Nuggets as president, a position he held for a decade from 1974-84.

Scheer had no written contract with the Hornets, who entered the NBA last season. His resignation is effective immediately, but Scheer isn't expected to begin work in Denver until early April.

Peter Bynoe, the Nuggets' managing general partner, said via telephone from Chicago that Denver made a "significant commitment" to Scheer, but he did not disclose the terms of the contract. He said Scheer, 52, will be responsible for the Nuggets' business operations, including ticket sales, public relations and sponsorships. Bynoe said he will retain control over player contracts.

Scheer, in Charlotte, said he left the Hornets for a more secure position with the Nuggets.

"Security is important, surely," he said. "Denver afforded me the security."

The Hornets won 20 games during their first season in the NBA, but are only 13-54 in year two and fired head coach Dick Harter halfway through the season.

"Carl has done an outstanding job of getting our franchise off the ground and has been very dedicated," Hornets owner George Shinn said. "I'll always hold him in high regard."

David Savitz, Scheer's attorney and close friend, said at the news conference that Scheer is "ecstatic" about returning to Denver.

Bynoe said he doesn't expect Scheer's presence to have an immediate impact on the Nuggets, who are fourth in the Midwest Division and seventh in the Western Conference.

The Nuggets have been operating without a president and general manager. Three executives - Jon Spoelstra, Pete Babcock and David Checketts - have left in the past eight months.

Scheer was hired as the Hornets' president and general manager on Jan. 1, 1988, 10 months before the expansion team's first regular-season game.

Scheer began his basketball career in Charlotte in 1970 as president and general manager of the American Basketball Association's Carolina Cougars. During his four-year stint, Scheer hired Larry Brown, now coach of the San Antonio Spurs, as head coach, and Doug Moe, now the Nuggets' coach, as Brown's assistant.

 by CNB