Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, April 2, 1990                   TAG: 9004020274
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Up to 11,000 Kaiser Permanente employees went on strike at seven hospitals and more than 40 medical offices in Southern California today after weekend talks failed to produce a contract. The union earlier rejected a three-year offer from Pasadena-based Kaiser Permanente, the nation's oldest and largest health maintenance organization.

\ A man struck by lightning while police in St. Petersburg, Fla., sought him for questioning in the stabbing of his wife was in serious but stable condition today, a hospital official said. Kevin Callahan, 32, was found Saturday, lying semiconscious on a fishing catwalk of the Gandy Bridge, the causeway between Tampa and St. Petersburg.

\ Ricky Irby, 28, accused of fatally poisoning his son in a scheme to collect damages from an infant formula maker goes on trial in Illinois this week. Irby says he was away when the poisoning occurred and contends the baby's mother, Sheila Smith, fed him sulfuric acid-laced formula.

\ Construction is about to begin on an interfaith chapel at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Western Maryland's Catoctin Mountains. The privately financed wood and glass building is expected to be dedicated around Thanksgiving, said Kenneth Plummer Sr., president of the Camp David Chapel Fund.

 by CNB