Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, April 6, 1990                   TAG: 9004250040
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


"When I started at VPI in 1943, just out of a high school in Tidewater, I was not as well prepared as some of the other students that I met here.

"Back then, or at least in some of the more rural areas of the state, we only had 11 grades. I did not feel as comfortable as students from the more metropolitan areas. But what I found at the university was a caring attitude by a faculty that worked with the students to help them succeed."

For Willis S. "Pete" White, those humble beginnings seem in stark contrast to the academic and professional accomplishments he has achieved throughout his life.

Because of the caring attitude he found here, along with the self-discipline and training he learned as a member of the Corps of Cadets, White has become one of the nation's premier business executives. But in a career that has spanned four decades and numerous achievements, White has never forgotten his alma mater and the valuable lessons of teamwork and perseverance he learned as a student.

In selecting White as the 1990 Ruffner Medal winner, the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors expressed "its sincere and grateful appreciation for the strong leadership, dedication, loyalty, compassion and support" that he has shown the university.

White played an important role during a critical time in the life of the university, providing wisdom and stability to the university's operation. First appointed to the board in 1981, he served for eight years, stepping down in June 1989. During that time, he served as vice rector and rector from 1985-1987 and 1987-1989, respectively.

White says that he has seen great changes at the university during his tenure on the board. "The world is changing and Virginia is not an isolated state. Virginia Tech is doing work all over the world; we are preparing students to be part of the 21st century."

Like the university he loves so much, White has been leading American Electric Power Company into the 21st century, as well. As chairman and chief executive officer, he lead the company through the changes brought about by the energy crisis, and is now providing leadership to the company's efforts to develop and commercialize clean coal technology. A member of the National Academy of Engineering, White is the first U.S. utility executive to serve as president of the Paris-based International Conference on Large High-Voltage Electrical Systems.

White has continued his service to the nation in other ways, too. In late 1989, he was appointed by President Bush as one of the private-sector representatives to the U.S. Presidential Economic Delegation to Poland. Along with the secretaries of the departments Agriculture, Commerce and Labor, and the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, the delegation visited Poland to provide the president with recommendations as to the most effective use of assistance to Poland, and to assist the Poles in developing their economic restructuring program.

A man comfortable with himself and his accomplishments, White believes that Virginia Tech has played and will continue to play an important role in the development of the state and nation. Citing its land-grant traditions, he notes that "youngsters without great means could get an education here - providing opportunities for many people who otherwise could not have gotten a start in life."

"That is one of the reasons why the university is such a special place," he noted.

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