Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, April 18, 1990                   TAG: 9004180235
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: E-2   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: southwest bureau
DATELINE: RICHLANDS                                LENGTH: Short


Hemscheidt Corp., a Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of hydraulic shields for the longwall mining industry, has located its Central Appalachian Service Center in the Claypool Hill Industrial Park in Tazewell County.

Hemscheidt will service its equipment from the center in mines based in Southwest Virginia, southern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky.

Ulrich Lange, Hemscheidt's president and chief executive officer, said the decision to locate in Virginia is a result of the "growing importance of longwall mining in Virginia's coalfields." He said it would allow Hemscheidt to "be closer to our customers and to service coal companies using our products in the central Appalachian region."

The main functions of the facility will be as a warehouse for parts and doing hydraulic repair. The center will have four employees to start.

"The mining industry and the longwall mining industry are important to Southwest Virginia," said Tazewell County Board of Supervisors Chairman Tom Cash. "Mining and manufacturing are vital to our economy. Hemscheidt is a welcome addition."

 by CNB