Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, April 18, 1990                   TAG: 9004180461
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-11   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: from wire reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Johnny Carson's first wife said Tuesday she is living in a small hotel with no job and wants a judge to force the television host to increase her annual alimony from $13,500 to $120,000.

Joan "Jody" Carson, 63, said she hasn't spoken to the father of her three sons in "many, many, many years" and recent attempts to reach him have been unsuccessful.

"He's quite unavailable," she said in a telephone interview from the office of her attorney, matrimonial lawyer Raoul Felder. "He won't really talk to me at all."

Elizabeth Taylor, hospitalized for a week with a persistent fever and sinus infection, has been transferred by ambulance to a larger hospital.

Taylor, 58, entered Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital on April 10 in Santa Monica, Calif., for what was reported as "a severe sinus infection." She was expected to be released Saturday, but her condition worsened, and she was moved Monday to St. John's Hospital and Health Center five miles away.

Billy Idol's right leg isn't healing properly from injuries he suffered in a February motorcycle crash, so more surgery is scheduled, his publicist said.

Idol, 34, will enter Cedars-Sinai Medical Center today for the fifth operation on the leg, said spokeswoman Ellen Golden.

"They're going to insert a steel rod in his right leg, which has not been healing properly," she said Tuesday.

Woody Harrelson jokingly says he returned to Indiana because he mistakenly thought he was going to receive an award from the governor.

The actor, who plays bartender Woody Boyd on "Cheers," actually flew into Fort Wayne on Friday to present "Sagamore of the Wabash" awards to his former theater professor.

Before presenting Hanover College Professor Tom Evans and his wife, Barbara Farrar, with Sagamores, the highest award given by the governor for contributions to Indiana, Harrelson said he was "kind of embarrassed, because I flew all the way out here, and I kind of thought this award was for me."

 by CNB