Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 19, 1990                   TAG: 9004200528
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


AKD PRODUCTIONS INC., a film and television production company, has moved from its Second Street location to 2709 Brambleton Ave. S.W. The move has joined the company's sales, marketing and management departments with its production studio.

The new studio features eight-track audio recording, an insert shooting studio and a small talk show set. Betsy Williams has joined the company as its general manager.

\ MARY F. PARKER, clerk of the city of Roanoke, has been accepted as a member in the Academy for Advanced Education of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. The academy recognizes clerks who have continued their education beyond the level of Certified Municipal Clerk.

Parker has held various positions in the Roanoke city clerk's office during the past 25 years. She has been city clerk since 1974.

\ ELAINE WEINGARTEN of Roanoke, a division manager for World Book-Childcraft, has received the Honor Society Award, one of the company's top sales awards.

\ TIM LANNING, formerly of Roanoke, has been appointed manager of the Harrisonburg branch of Williams Supply Inc.

\ WILLIAM E. VOLTZ, formerly of Roanoke, has been named vice president of merchandise marketing at Norfolk Southern Corp. He formerly was vice president of marketing.

\ ROBERT W. COFFEY, vice president of sales and industrial development at Norfolk Southern Corp. and formerly of Roanoke, has retired after 42 years of service.

\ THERESA MATHIS has joined the Roanoke campus of National Business College as assistant campus director. She coordinates the college's associate, diploma and certificate degree programs.

\ DOTTIE A. WHITESIDE, a registered nurse at Roanoke Memorial Hospitals, has received the Nursing Practice Award from the Emergency Nurses Association. Whiteside, who has been in nursing practice since 1961, is a member of the hospital's Strategic Emergency Response Team.

\ THE ROANOKE DIVISION OF APPALACHIAN POWER CO. has won the large-division category in the American Electric Power System annual safety competition. This is the second consecutive year that the Roanoke Division has won the award.

Roanoke Division employees had accumulated 3,669,370 safe hours by the end of 1989. The last disabling injury occurred on April 18, 1985.

\ PORTERFIELD DISTRIBUTING CO. INC. of Salem has won the Proud Lion Award from the Stroh Brewery Co. Porterfield was given the award in recognition of excellence in all areas of wholesaler operation.

\ JOAN SHRADER and JANIE WHITLOW have received awards from Waldrop Realty.

Shrader was named top selling agent for February and Whitlow was named top listing agent.

\ CONNIE MAYS, park ranger at Booker T. Washington National Monument, received a superior-performance award from the Eastern National Park and Monument Association in Philadelphia.

Eastern National is a non-profit organization that sells books, postcards and other materials, the proceeds of which are returned to the national parks to be used for visitor programs.

Mays, who has been a seasonal ranger at the park for three years, was recognized for her work in expanding the variety and quality of books offered at the park and increasing 1989 sales by 35 percent over the previous year.

\ ALLEN H. CAMPER, owner of the Midas Muffler and Brake Shop at 1320 Williamson Road N.E., recently graduated from the Midas Institute of Technology in Palatine, Ill. The four-week course trains personnel in brake service and steering, suspension and alignment and installation of mufflers and shock absorbers.

\ MARVA WINGATE of the Atlantic Cos. in Roanoke has been awarded a Personal Sponsorship Award by the Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters. She received the award in recognition of her leadership and guidance to candidates aspiring to the CPCU designation.

\ CARL H. KOPITZKE has joined the staff of Kopitzke United Way of Roanoke Valley as assistant campaign director. He succeeds Arnold Gideon, who has moved to Raleigh, N.C.

Kopitzke recently took early retirement from Norfolk Southern Corp., ending a 37-year career in the accounting department. He previously served the United Way as a loaned executive in 1987.

\ LT. COL. LETCHER A. GRAHAM of the Virginia State Police recently was promoted to his present rank and was named director of the Bureau of Field Operations in Richmond. The Roanoke native previously was deputy director of field operations.

 by CNB