Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 19, 1990                   TAG: 9004200563
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE COVENANT PLAYERS, a California-based non-profit repertory company, will visit two Salem churches Sunday. The teams of players travel nationally and perform short, contemporary plays with a Christian message.

Players will be at First United Methodist in Langhorne Place at morning worship and will lead a workshop starting at 3 for any interested in religious drama. Another performance will be at 7.

Players also will be at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 101 Keesling Ave., at 9:45 a.m. and again at 11 a.m. John Calvin in Strasbourg and modern resurrections will be the themes at New Hope.

\ ONA HANN, organist at Bethel Baptist Church of Salem, has resigned for health reasons. Hann, who has been organist for 39 years, will be honored with a program on May 13.

\ OBSERVANCE OF RAMADAN, a month of penitence for Moslems, is in progress among Roanoke area followers of the Islamic faith. It includes fasting and sexual abstinence during the day as well as attention to those less fortunate. At sunset each day, the fast is broken by a light meal. Ramadan is set by lunar phases and will end this year with the sighting of the new moon on April 27.

\ THE REV. ROBERT S. WELLS, pastor of Green Ridge Presbyterian Church of Hollins from 1963 to 1970, will return there as homecoming speaker Sunday. Wells, who is retired and lives at Massanetta Springs, is active in efforts to renovate the conference center there. He will be accompanied by his wife, Ann, and two sons. The 11 a.m. worship will be followed by potluck lunch.

\ HELEN WATKINS has left the Baptist Visitation Ministry staff after 17 years of coordinating volunteers who work with nursing home residents. Watkins and a retired pastor, the Rev. J. Landon Maddex, have arranged regular visits with more than 17,000 elderly residents over the years. Sandra McLaurin has succeeded Watkins.

\ ROANOKE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION has unanimously approved the $90,000 purchase of a duplex at 2028-30 Brandon Ave. S.W. The Rev. Kirk Ballin, pastor, said the duplex will be for adult education, youth fellowship and offices. Ballin said the church now has more than 160 adults and children attending worship, a doubling of interest in contemporary education during the past three years. The newly acquired property is just west of the church.

\ A CONFERENCE ON RELIGION AND RACE, sponsored by United Methodists in the Roanoke District but open to others interested in promoting church racial cooperation, is scheduled Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will be held at Locust Grove United Methodist Church off West Main Street in Salem. The Covenant Players will perform. Call 989-0428 for more information.

\ TWO SENIOR CATHOLICS, the Rev. Albert Pereira and Sister Mary Gertrude Meyer, are being honored Sunday on the 50th anniversaries of their entering the religious life. Pereira will celebrate Mass at 11:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Nazareth Church. A potluck luncheon follows. Sister Mary Gertrude, who came to St. Andrew's parish 20 years ago from Richmond, currently ministers to sick and homebound. A reception for her is planned at St. Andrew's from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

\ ROANOKE VALLEY SOUTHERN BAPTISTS will hear from their new executive director, Kirkland Lashley, at their annual meeting April 30. The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. at Airlee Court Church, Hershberger Road at Delray Street Northwest. Lashley, formerly of Danville, began his work last month and will be installed at the meeting.

\ MARIE RICE, a Nashville, Tenn., author and composer of charismatic movement Christian materials, will address the Roanoke Day chapter of Women's Aglow Wednesday. The meeting will begin with $4 breakfast at Hidden Valley Country Club at 9:30. Reservations and nursery care may be arranged by calling 366-9054 or 774-0702.

\ BENT MOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH has planned a missionary rally Sunday at 3 p.m. Mary Keaton of Roanoke will lead the rally and the Shiloh Choir of Salem will sing. Revival services led by the Rev. Joseph Keaton are in progress nightly at 7 through Friday

Deadline for religion briefs for Neighbors is Thursday. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon in order to run in the following Thursday edition.

 by CNB