Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, April 26, 1990 TAG: 9004260253 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: C4 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
The coaches, representing each of the leagues the association serves, were: Craig McClellan, Ruffner Middle School, Roanoke City Middle School League; Jim Cook, Dublin Middle School, County Middle School League; Ken Erickson, Hidden Valley Junior High, County Junior High School League; Kris Kahila, Franklin County High School, Roanoke Valley District; A.C. Burke, Bassett High School, Piedmont District; Fred Wagner, Northside High School, Blue Ridge District, and Larry Long, Glenvar High School, Pioneer District.
Long was named the outstanding coach for the entire association. - Staff report