Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, April 26, 1990 TAG: 9004260498 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B6 EDITION: STATE SOURCE: Associated Press DATELINE: FREDERICKSBURG LENGTH: Short
At its annual one-day veto session April 18, the General Assembly accepted Gov. Douglas Wilder's budget amendment prohibiting state colleges from recovering more than half of the 5 percent cut in state funds through tuition increases.
Mary Washington's planned tuition increase for next fall would have brought in about $335,000, more than half the $550,000 the college is losing in state funding, according to Richard L. Miller, vice president for business and finance.
Frank C. Mason, assistant vice president for business and finance, said the reduction in funds will have a negligible impact on students and college life.
Mason said the college will postpone some equipment purchases, delay filling vacant positions and transfer some expenditures to other accounts.
The new tuition for in-state students will be $1,474 per year, $28 more than last year. Out-of-state students will pay $4,430, a $308 increase.