Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 26, 1990                   TAG: 9004270259
SOURCE: Tammy Poole
DATELINE: TROUTVILLE                                 LENGTH: Medium


The extension of the town's water system to Exit 44 on Interstate 81 is the most important issue facing council, said Mayor Jewell Tyndall.

Tyndall, who is seeking a second term as mayor, said she is interested in the town, and would like to see it made more beautiful. Troutville, she said, is doing well financially and she hopes that the water extension is successful.

Councilman Dean Paderick is the only incumbent who did not file for re-election, but no one has filed for his council seat. He has been unavailable for comments.

Those seeking seats on council are:

\ Gaynelle Cronk, who has served two terms on council and as town clerk. Cronk said she's enjoyed working on the town's water project most of all. "I came on council when we started expanding the water system to other locations. I've enjoyed watching it grow and working with that project."

\ Robert Harris, who has served on council for two years. "I'd like to see the water be extended so we can lower the water rates for the homeowners. The more we extend, maybe the more we can lower the rates." Harris also said he would like to see sidewalks installed as soon as possible.

\ Bruce Switzer, who is completing his first term on council. He said he's interested in the water extension and would like to beautify the town by planting more shrubbery and redoing the sidewalks.

\ Gary Camp, a veterinarian, who has been on council for three terms. At one point, Camp said he was more interested in zoning and other commercial aspects of the town. Now, however, his business is outside the town limits and Camp said he's more concerned about what's happening residentially. Camp, a member of Troutville's budget committee, said he's also interested in computerizing the town office.

\ Bill Rader, who did not return telephone calls to a reporter.


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