Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 26, 1990                   TAG: 9004270311
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: N-11   EDITION: NORTH 
SOURCE: Frances Stebbins
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A CLERGY MENTOR, the term given the ordained leader for two small Episcopal congregations in Botetourt and Rockbridge counties, will begin her work July 1. The Rev. Sara Dover, 55, will serve Trinity Church of Buchanan and Christ Church of Buena Vista.

Earlier this year the two churches, each too small to afford a full-time priest, began working together in an experimental cluster ministry supported by the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia. A cluster board of laity from each church will assume much of the leadership and has called Dover.

The mother of three grown children, she is coming from a similar ministry in central Pennsylvania, where she has worked for the past 2 1/2 years. A former Jubilee Ministries intern, Dover was educated at Cedarcrest College in Pennsylvania and at Virginia Theological Seminary. She was ordained priest in 1988.

\ PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH, 1238 Rugby Blvd. N.W., will observe the second anniversary of the coming of the Rev. Dwight O. Steele as its pastor. Leading worship Sunday at 4 p.m. will be the Rev. James M. Harrison and singers from the First Baptist Church of Clifton Forge.

\ MISSION WORK will be emphasized Sunday at First Baptist Church, 310 N. Jefferson St. Speaking at a special service at 4 p.m. will be Mary Keaton, president of the Women's Auxiliary of Baptist congregations in the Roanoke Valley. Special music will be included.

\ CORNERSTONE CHURCH, at 6930 Woodhaven Road N.W., will hold a missions conference Friday through Sunday. The conference will begin Friday at 7 p.m. with a play, "Heart to Change the World," performed by children.

Saturday at 7 p.m., For Teens Only will have its monthly meeting, open to all ages. Jerry Clevenger of the Samaritan Inn will speak on local missions, and Mike and April Havlin, recently returned from Peru, will speak on their mission work in the region. "Ransomed," a Christian rock group, will give a concert. The Rev. Marrles Moore, a chief of the Rosebud Sioux Indian tribe, will speak Sunday at the 11 a.m. service. Moore is an ordained minister, who has founded several churches and ministries. An international buffet will begin at 6 p.m., followed by a 7 p.m. service at which Mike Havlin will speak.

\ THE YOUTH FORUM OF JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCH, 1014 Norfolk Ave. S.W., will hold its annual youth revival nightly Monday through May 4. The Rev. William Lee, pastor of Loudon Avenue Christian Church will be the guest evangelist. A pray and praise service starts 7 and various Roanoke Valley ministers and their choirs will conduct devotional services for the revial at 7:30 p.m.

 by CNB